+9 votes
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So there are 2 enemies of mine, let's call them Jane and Eric. So last year I made fun of Eric because his handwriting was ugly, I called him toodler boy. I apologized to him. Now this year he revenge me. He called me Snail in a nail. He rhymed with my name. And Jane is like playing a game that's like putting people in my group into jail (not in real life) whenever she wants when somebody do something she doesn't like. But when Eric was annoying she did nothing. So unfair. I'm in her so called jail right now. And she is literally doing the snail chant with Eric and trying to steal my best friend. How do I end this drama.?
Honestly just tell an adult. Its the best thing you can do in that situation. either that or stand up to them. Unless you show them you are tougher than they think (which you are!) And that you arent someone to be bullied, they won't stop.

I hope it goes well :)

4 Answers

0 votes
by (967k points)
Best answer
Tell them to stop first. If they don’t stop, tell an adult.
0 votes
by (550k points)
Tell an adult
0 votes
Just ignore them. Or stand up to them . Whatever works for you! Hope it goes well.
0 votes
I would say that they are being a bunch of big baby's and ignore them.

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