+6 votes
in Poetry Contests by

This is a contest to see if you can actually write the best poem!! hai


  • I'm feeling generous, so I'm going to give you an ENTIRE YEAR to write one!!
  • Double entries are allowed, but no more than that
  • Make sure your poem is child appropriate because all eyes are allowed
  • Your due date is September 21rst 2024
  • Unfortunately...*sighs*...Buttah Dog is allowed 
  • If you want to chat, I urge you to do it in the comments section

  Good luck!!

by (5.1k points)
Too bad, I'm a alien

8 Answers

0 votes
by (64.4k points)

I saw the great skies

From which wind often blew

Its plains often great

Its rivers like snakes

With Buttah dog great;

And nothing at stake

Yes, this is the end

The end of the great

The great buttah dog steak


0 votes

"The Plank" Limerick

There once was a pirate named Hank

He had said that the pirates stank

The big plank wobbled 

and his head bobbled

Then he went to a pirates bank

0 votes

"War of the world"

kids burning alive in radioactive flames

men and women alike scared for there life every day

when I hear fireworks I think of bombs

when I hear of this I think why are humans such a disgrace

when the lizards run

and when the snakes slither

our barrier of humanity is breaking

cease the fire or well be next


0 votes

                                                      Great Skies Above

O' Great Skies Above, 

it is the autumn that I love!

So please, Great Skies Above,

let there be rain to wash away this pain!

I am melting from this summer's heat,

it is the cold, rainy days of fall that I seek!

O' Great Skies Above,

it is the autumn that I love!


                                                                 Foxy Soul

Two legs, no tail,

Small ears on the sides of my head,

Thick hair, skin pale,

There is too much to be said.

Yet, I do not see these features when I first look in the mirror.

After a while of staring, trying to remember who I am,

A little light flickers, I see my human face & I only feel weirder.

I feel something is missing,

& I don't quite know what,

but my instincts are hissing,

& I swear I can feel it in my gut!

A human body, a foxy soul,

I have been awakened, I know I'm a therian,

I feel a new sense of glee, for now I feel whole,

A thousand times I have questioned, & now I am as certain as a lion.


Thanks for reading my two poems hehe

0 votes
by (116k points)
Roses are red

Violets are blue

Sugar is sweet

And so are you :D


The roses are wilted

The violets are dead

The sugar bowl is empty

And so is your head :)
0 votes
by (114k points)


Rocks fall on the glass.

Down, down, they fall, while the glass screeches for help.

But the rocks don't care.

They keep falling.

Until the glass shatters.

And though the quiet lizard tries to help,

Though mud can fill cracks,

The cracks are not gone.

So the lizard walks away, having done what he could.

And the glass lays.

And lays.

And lays.

While the rocks laugh in the distance.

And she silently cries through the night.

As she had done every night before.

And she will every night after.


I am Her, and She is I

I am her,

and she is I,

but we are not the same.

She is calm,

I am stressed,

but we share a brain.

Her mind is resting,

while mine is working overtime,

but I am her,

and she is I.

0 votes

I have 2:


As the thunder crashes,

And strong winds roar,

This sky is unbalanced,

And out of control.

And people begin to inquire,

“Will we ever get home?”

As the rain thrashes at the windows,

We sit awhile in thought,

As the clouds begin to clear,

And the rain stops.


A winding path

Going past the shadowy birch tree

And through the bushels of flowers,

Once I reach the secret garden door.

To get to




To the bright

 and airy 


To hear the sound of shovels,

But I begin to inquire,

“Will it ever get finished?”

“Will it ever get finished?”

“Will it ever get finished?”

And walking in,

I feel a sense of calm,

Rush over me like a wave.

+2 votes
by (161k points)

Buttah dog is love, buttah dog is life.

Buttah dog is cute, his buttah is a light.

Buttah yes yes, buttah no less.

Buttah dog forever, forever till the end.

Thank you for reading this poem i put my heart into.

by (137k points)
First prize for sure!
by (64.4k points)
This is what we all need posted on our walls

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