+8 votes
in Health & Fitness by (3.2k points)

There are a lot people in the world who smile-sunglassesneed glasses to see. If you have glasses, you might know what I'm talking about. If not, let me explain. Say your eyesight is so terrible. One night, around two a.m., you are thirsty and want to get up and get a drink of water. The problem is, you don't remember where you put your glasses before bed. Your REALLY thirsty though. You are basically blind without your glasses. The light switch is all the way on the other side of the room. Your stuck. You don't want to be though. You stand up and wander over, feeling you way to the light. before you reach it though, you trip and fall.cry_smile How can you prevent this? With Glow Glasses. We are a friendly group of kids that will paint a clear, glow in the dark paint on your glasses and if you request it, we'll add comfortable LED lights on the sides. Glow glasses will permit you to see a sf glow coming from your glasses, helping you find them in the middle of the night.You will be able to see your glasses! Now, you won't be taunted be that glass of water sitting in the kitchen. Our mascot Glowgi, makes Glow Glasses a more friendly idea. With Glowgi, you don't have to worry about your glasses getting paint on them. If your glasses aren't satisfying, we give you an immediate refund. If anything happens to your glasses while they are in our care, we will buy you a new pair. omgomgjawdropeye-glasses!!!!!!!!!! You'll want Glow Glasses the second you see them! drool

2 Answers

0 votes
by (24.0k points)
Best answer
Maybe you can put a little piece of glow in the dark tape inside them. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Duck-Tape-1.88-x-10-Glow-in-the-Dark/21909791

Would make a cool product. I think the plastic frames can be made with glow in the dark material that does not come off.
0 votes
by (134k points)
Doesn't glow paint wear off?
by (3.2k points)
Yes, but if you pay for a Glowgi membership than you get your glasses repainted every year.

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