+1 vote
in Personal by

I am signed off cuz Im gonna start venting signed off

So there is this girl at my school, let's name her I.

I is really amazing. She is beautiful, she's in National Junior Honor Society, She is a Straight-A student, She dosen't have Autisim and she has friends and knows how to communicate.

Looking at her, I wish I was like her. I don't feel like I do great things compared to her. I don't do anything great that is a contribution to society or my school. 

Dont say "But you are a good artist" nobody at school except the teachers like my art. Plus it dosent have any artistic or educational value

I make The Emigrants By Vilhelm Moberg Fanart

Litearly, I wish I was like I. I wish had a purpose.

Plus, there aren't any relatable role models for me. I look up to Kristina from The Emigrants but we have 0 things in common

6 Answers

0 votes
by (794k points)

boosting this again because I still need help

it's getting worse

Why do I have to be this way

by (206k points)

Dont feel bad I think U R pretty cool BTW Im jealous of U 

by (529k points)

Apparently you disregarded what I said, so...
by (794k points)
it's hard
by (206k points)
0 votes
by (546k points)

ALSO, it not looks, its how smart you are and your helpful and nice and good at facts and sweet. And--

I could go on for hours duh
by (794k points)
She is really smart

Im not Smart, technically cuz I only needed my Nordic facts once
by (967k points)
Nah, you’re smart, Carly. Academic grades don’t even matter for the most part.
by (794k points)
quiz me
+1 vote
by (529k points)
"She needed a hero, so she became one."
by (794k points)
by (529k points)
It's a quote.

Become your own role model.
by (794k points)
by (529k points)

I'm not sure how to answer that.

Stop comparing yourself to others.

Don't ask me how, just stop.
by (794k points)
+2 votes
by (206k points)
UH! I have the same problem there is this girl with a million friends really pretty looking and very bold and nice. Im shy ugly and have no friends(besides the people on here)

And Im horrible at drawing she is awesome at it.

Signing out Gamekid
by (546k points)
You are so good at drawing Anna soso good and youmare sosososo pretty never doubt your slef
by (206k points)
by (546k points)
+2 votes
I sometimes feel the same way, I wish I was like someone , because I either don't like myself or I feel like I don't matter, Mostly because of my autism and not being able to do things normal people do, but I have a family and friends who care about me and that matters same with you.

It may seem you don't have a purpose but you do!

You are a amazing person and you matter, it may not seem like it but its true .

And I literally look up to shrek...and oompaville
+1 vote
by (794k points)
Boost (this is me)

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