+12 votes
in Technology by (6.0k points)
So, just curious...

I myself am a PC person, I've been on Macs before and really didn't like them, but a lot of people I know think they're "the bomb". What's so good about Macs? What kind of computers do you guys like to use?

Personally I find PCs a lot easier to use. What do you all find are the drawbacks and bonuses of each kind?
by (30.6k points)
A Mac is a PC.

9 Answers

+3 votes
by (620 points)
Best answer
Hey there,

I think it;s depend upon the thoughts of any individual. People choose Apple MAC because of highly advance graphical and attractive user interface. The brand it self is a significantly impactful. But post maintenance cost is also high compare to normal pc.

So if you want affordable repairing cost then normal pc is good, but are you looking for cheerios layout and thrilling graphical interface than mc is superior than normal one. For MAC some reputed companies also provide support and repairing services, so you can make convenient use of theme.
by (791k points)
Did he come from the other technology website Shred talked about that looks  like kidztalk but isnt-
by (531k points)
Is that his real face, or...
by (791k points)
by (966k points)
Oh, ShaneL? He used to be on here in 2014, and he apparently knows a lot about technology.
by (791k points)
why is he here tho-
by (966k points)
I don’t know. Like I said, this was 2014, nine years ago.
by (167k points)
this is probably AI generated or something

Wait did AI exist in 2014
by (791k points)
ofc it did
by (116k points)
Hah yeah, maybe hes from that tech site lol
by (966k points)
No, it’s not AI generated. This is a tech guy, not AI.

I know it.
by (48.6k points)
We did some research and it was a fake avatar, I deleted it.
by (116k points)


by (167k points)
Like an AI generated one? Or what do you mean by "fake"?
Mac has a better softwhere chip
by (966k points)
Let’s see…

The newest Macs run the Apple silicon, like M1, M2, and M3. I’m pretty sure Windows computers run Intel, or at least most of them.
0 votes
by (24.2k points)
Windows (yes a bunch of games and apps I like and need work on Mac but whatever)
+1 vote
by (161k points)
Real question: Mac or GC
by (167k points)
Real questions: Mac and Cheese or GC.
by (161k points)
Oh Mac and Cheese EZ
+2 votes
by (45.3k points)
I'm more of a PC girl 'cause it has an easier interface and I think that it is easier to type, scroll, and do a lot of things. Macs are complicated and have different confusing interfaces.


That's just me. Meh.

by (966k points)
But how the heck do u access emojis on pc
+2 votes
by (134k points)
I prefer Mac
+2 votes
I like PCs because I have one at home.They work the best.One time I used a Mac and it didn't work as good as I thought.PCs work best.
0 votes
by (448k points)
by (448k points)
Well It is mainly because I only use pc
I agree!
+1 vote
by (71.0k points)
I mainly just use PC computers. Mostly because that is what my parents got me. Macs are a lot more expensive. I have used Mac computers at school. When I'm on the web, which is most of what I do on a computer, they are the same to me. If you have special programs that only run on a Mac, that could be a reason to go with it, but these days almost everything runs on both.

I know some graphic designers that have to use Macs since they need very high resolution graphics that you can't get with a PC, but those are people that magnify things 1000's of times. For regular pictures and videos you can't tell the difference.
+1 vote
by (37.7k points)
I personally like Macs because I have grown up with them and I find them easy to use, but at my school we have PCs so I really don't care I just want a computer! But they are both the same in my mind!

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