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Recently I have found myself realizing a bunch of things. Before I knew I was a therian. I had a phantom shift. I did not know that I did untill further research. I get my info from the therian guide of Spotify. I'm not sure what to say to my family as they might think it's a phase and to stop beliving what's on the Internet.

2 Answers

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Try doing more research about theriathropy, and I suggest finding out your theriotype(s) before coming out, so then you can most likely answer any questions your parents may have.

You could try and write a letter about theriathropy to give to you parents. You could also (if you’re allowed to) put a therian flag on your door. (This is how I come out as a therian)

You could also do quads (if you do them, not all therians do quads) around the house, in front of you parents, in your yard. (if you have a yard) ;) basically anywhere. I do tho suggest doing quads ether on a carpet or in the grass, because it can hurt you hands if you do them on hard surfaces.

You could also try making gear (again not all therians do quads are wear gear) and you could maybe wear those around the house or in front of you family.

I hope this helps. :D

by (119k points)
Is theriathropy like a mental health support typa thing for kids who think they are amphibians??
I can’t tell if you’re joking, if you aren’t and actually don’t know what theriathropy is then I’ll tell you.

Theriathropy basically means therian. So when I say you should look up more info about theriathropy I mean you should look up more info about therians. Therathropy is just easier to say than trying to say you should find out more about therians. It’s just easier to say and is the more proper term for a therian, because it includes theriotypes to, and not just stuff about what a therian is.

I hope this explains it.

So no, and therians do NOT think they are amphibians. Being a therian means that you ether have a nonhuman soul with a human brain and body, or that you were an animal in a past life. :)
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by (119k points)
Your parents would probably be right but I'm guessing ur not a teenager yet so you should just go tell them and hope they accept that.

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