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in General Pets / Animals Talk by
Hi! I live in //// and I’m 10 years old and I’m looking fore some new Therian friends!

I hope someone wants to be my friend ◯⃤

Hey! I'm also a therian, and I'd be happy to be your friend. Sweden is so coooool! 

I'd just like to say something: Anyone got any advice?

It all started off when I was doing quads at lunch, it was wet break so we had to stay inside in our form room (tiny). I was yeah just strollin in ma quadrobics vibe and suddenly they were like screaming "FURRY" and stuff and running away. I didn't understand what was going on until one of them said "I'm gonna face my fear" and slowly walked up to me. I stepped forward like the titchiest bit and they all ran screaming to the other side of the room. (There were about 10 of them.) This continued, me walking around confused and them, like, terrified, until I left the room and went into the corridor. They followed for some reason and formed a cirlce around me. One threw a chip on the ground and said "Here kitty kitty there's your food" one of them asked what she was doing and she said "Just feeding her". Then a bunch of girls from another form came and the girls from my form (the ones who were trying to run away) formed a wall to shield the other form's girl's view of me, as if they were embarrassed of me. I was scared, obviously, so I went back into the form room, and went back around so I was in view, trying to figure out what was going on. The girls from the other form saw me, and, wait, suddenly I'm on display now? The girls from my form were just like "Yeah this is cat girl she's a furry" and I said "I'm not a furry" and they said "yeah right". The girls from the other form looked at me like i was a freak and left. I maths, last period, I had to sit next to those girls from my form, who mocked me and accused me of being a fake therian, since I only started doing quads when I found out my friend was a therian, and that I'd got stuff off the internet. I tried to tell them I only started doing quads when I found out my friend was also a therian because it made me feel more comfortable with someone to help me. Then they started being all sarcastic and they were like "Hey I think I'm a therian I think I'm a duck quack quack" and "I'm such a therian I practice quads at the park all the time I'm so excited". Like gurl NO YOU DON'T. And then when I got home on the form gc they were all spamming "Grrr" and "Awooo" and GIFs of the most cringe-looking wolves thye could find, so I asked them to stop and they just said "No we're the alpha wolves"...like

I have zero words

It happened again this lunch, this time older girls kept coming up to us and mocking us until my friend cried

I swear


*Venting a lil bit*

So yeah

1 Answer

0 votes
by (790k points)
Swedes are so cool unlike me
by (64.4k points)
-_- dude... fr just stop with the negative comments about urself... ur legit the only one on here that thinks you're not cool... I mean who even cares if you were born in Venezuela... that doesn't make you you and tbh, no one cares. Besides you haven't even lived there most of you're life... if sm1 asks me what state I'm from I don't say (the state I was born in) I'd say the state I spent my childhood in... same with countries... but seriously... the only way ppl know you're from Venezuela is if you tell everyone that and make a big deal abt it (I mean, you even said yourself that ppl think ur from another country... idr which, but you did) and also just yea... I'm done :]
by (9.7k points)
i'm uncool, i live in the suburbs of some town in Kentucky, of course I'm uncool
by (528k points)


by (9.7k points)
i had a stork

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