+6 votes
in General Pets / Animals Talk by
I live in Floda, Göteborg, Sverige

I hope someone wants to be my friend….

10 Answers

0 votes
Hello!! I’m also a therian I might also be an otherkin to…

I’ll be your friend! :) tho I’m not Swedish.
by (3.0k points)
rainbow kitty, where do u find the time to make more post and comment more????? are there multiples of u or smth?
Nah, there’s not multiple of me, that I know of. Idk ether I guess I just type quickly. :P
0 votes
by (122k points)
hej jag Inga. Jag är en skogsfinn, finsk och svensk-amerikansk men jag bor i Minnesota. vi kan vara vänner
0 votes
by (965k points)
Yeah I’ll be your friend. I’m not a therian, but I’m friends with everyone here.

Also, I have some Swedish in me.
by (790k points)
Why is everyone on KT so luck im the only one from who isnt from a cool country
by (965k points)
At least your country doesn’t ban Roblox. (The UAE does, or it did)
by (790k points)
Yesh but my country has the 2 forbidden things and a terrible dictator and lots of illegalness
by (76.1k points)
Venezuela is coolio! I'm from Colombia :P
by (790k points)
Colombia is cooler
by (76.1k points)
We have a gangster for a dictator, you can’t walk the streets without being scared of getting hurt or robbed  (I was there for around a week and a half and on the FIRST day I literally saw someone get robbed at gun point driving pass by), your recognized for only drugs basically by everyone and people are stereotypical.

This can apply for you but I just want to say that it’s not that amazing.
by (265k points)

Babe us Americans aren't from a 'cool' country... It's better labeled as 'interesting...' T_T

by (790k points)

At least people know Colombia excists
by (528k points)
Yeah, we don't necessarily like it here x3
by (76.1k points)

Me or Carly? Plus I live in the US so-


You’re with kids. Dude. Adults know it exists. I don’t know your age social circle you like to be in but if your looking for someone who knows about where you’re from; try to participate in an adult social circle.
by (265k points)
Fr, had to intervene an assault, perform first aid, and get questioned by the police all while in fear of the kid coming back with a gun :')
by (965k points)
Woah woah woah, I like it where I am!
by (265k points)
Elo, downtown where I'm at is CRAZYYYY.
by (965k points)
I haven’t been to the downtown area in my town in a while, but from what I’ve seen, it’s safe.

(I go to the main area of my town quite a lot though, the main problem is lots of traffic at certain hours)
0 votes
by (31.2k points)
Also, im guessing this is the first non US user.
by (790k points)
Theres a user who lives in Vietnam here
by (965k points)
Wrong. I’ve seen many international users, even before you joined. SunshineSwiftie is from British Columbia.

(I’ve seen a user from Sri Lanka, several from Australia, I think there was one from the UAE, I’ve seen 2 from India, one from Bangladesh, and that’s just in the Asia/Oceania region. Also, Hyude is from Uruguay)
by (48.4k points)

uruguay-flag Uruguay noma!

by (76.1k points)
Colombia here!!!!!!!!!!!
0 votes
Hi, you can call me Red or Shade, I'm a therian, I'm not in Sweden tho, I'm 14, not very well known by anyone (lol), I'm kinda shy, & I can be a freak at times
+1 vote
by (302k points)


anyways, hi, hello, greetings! :)

talk to Adi, i bet shed be your friend! shes a rlly kind person, as well as a Therian!
by (790k points)
Can I have some swedishness im tired of being veneuzuelan
by (302k points)

*Gives you a piece of my hair*



i wish i could :(

*sprinkles magical Swedish Joel dust on you*

by (790k points)
What is this dust made of-
by (76.1k points)
not rlly kind lately :|
by (302k points)


*hand flip*


Maybe some grass clippings... pieces of shredded manga.

paper mache from my tiny Dala..
by (265k points)

If it's coming from hair, dandruff, maybe?? T_T

by (302k points)
+3 votes
by (790k points)

by (90.0k points)
Lol I'm British swedish but I say I'm french or german when it's convenient (I am but like 1%)
by (790k points)
Guys idk man you guys are so cool and here I am hating my heritage and having to go to a  strict school for kids of my heritage
by (90.0k points)
Girl I kinda wish I knew Spanish plus their culture is so cool and the DRESSES OMG
by (790k points)
At least Scandinavian countries are ranked as the best in the world and dont have terrible dictators and living conditions
by (90.0k points)
Well that is true... but you can't deny they have great culture
by (790k points)
We have the worst music on planet earth

Every time I hear a Venezuelan song I feel so angry
by (90.0k points)

Naur that is not true you should listen to Welsh pop skull

by (790k points)
+3 votes
by (116k points)
Carly is gonna love u
+1 vote
by (550k points)
0 votes
by (113k points)
hi! I'm a therian!

my name is adi, and everyone has different opinions on me.
by (116k points)
My opinions on you would be on the positive side :)
by (90.0k points)
OMG Alpha is being exceptionally nice :o
by (113k points)
@Alpha thanks :)

@Mel lol ikr
by (528k points)


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