+7 votes
in Artist Directories by

Hi everyone!

Yes, I’m aware that we already had another art contest but I wanted to have another one BUT it will have a few twists! Look at the bottom of this post for info on due date and other SUPER DUPER important info.


1. For this contest I challenge you to draw a fictional drawing (look alike) of me. Look below for more info on that.

2. Yes! For this contest digital art IS aloud!

3. MUST be submitted by December 20, 2020

4. THIS RULE IS VERY IMPORTANT: No Coping from off the internet. Inspiration from the internet is OKAY but it must be YOUR art.

5. Also very important: PLEASE BE KIND ABOUT EVERYONES ART. Not to like something is one thing but to say that to them is another....

6. Cheer EVERYONE on! For this contest I’m allowing something I’m calling “Cheering”. Comment on there answer (Art work) and say “I’m cheering ________.” This means that this year you can tell me YOUR thoughts! Please be kind to EVERYONE as you’re cheering though. If this becomes I problem I will NOT do this again and/or disable it. 

7.  There will be NO prize except for fun and seeing everyone’s spectacular art!

SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT INFO (aside from the rules...) 

I look like:

I have white skin

I’m a girl

My eyes are blue

My hair is mainly brown (With highlights of blond.....)

What else would you like to know about my look? (If it’s not personal info I’ll answer in the comments!)

Keep in mind...

Due Date: December 20, 2020

With any announcements I’ll comment on this post. (I probably will have a few...) so be on the look out! 

IMPORTANT: Where to post your awesome art!

You can post your art in the comments (It’s easier for me and I’ll see it sooner) or you can click the “post something button” and post your art there. In the box that says “post the title” say RocketAlein’s art contest  #2 and post your user name after that. My title would look like “RocketAleins art contest by RocketAlein so if you’re username was Magie123 it would look like RocketAlein’s art contest by Magie123. 

If you have ANY questions at all feel free to ask! I’ll be happy to answer! 

If you are debating entering my message for you is “Go for it! It might be really fun and we’ll be accepting of what your art is.” 

I can’t wait to see you’re art! (I bet it will make me blast off into space! Lol!)

2 Answers

0 votes
Hi RocketAlein

I’ll definitely recommend doing this but one question: what is the due date??

Pls reply soon

Una xx

Hi Una!

December 20th was the due date. 

As of now it is December 21st so it WOULD USUALLY  be a day late. 

However no one entered so I make a showcase post where even though no one entered we can still view all there art.

I’ll link it as soon as I can get the post out. 

Thanks so much for entering my first contest and being open to trying this one! 

I’m so glad to see you on again!


by (2.7k points)

Yesterday. So you missed it. Sorry. sad_smile

0 votes


here is my drawing

by (26.1k points)
I can't see a drawing!

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