+9 votes
in Girls' Advice Column by (12.9k points)
so my crush (we'll call him sam) is very cute. he is about my height, a bit shorter. he is very popular, not very atheltic, and very nice to everybody. we have like 4 or 5 classes together. whenever he is around me is gets kind of flustered, but maybe thats cuz i BURN him constantly. his locker is right next to mine, and i always have to help him open it bc his "palms are too sweaty". he also is constantly asking me for help on math and stuff. so what do yall think??????????????????? IS THERE HOPE? be honest pls.
by (680 points)
Could be friendship. I get flushed a lot and when I'm embarrassed or it's really hot. And asking for help is normal. I get confused and ask my classmates but that does not mean I'm crushing... I see no relationship unless it happens either way. Good luck!
by (140 points)
could happen... i've had my fair share of crushes (although I'm too ugly to be crushed on back) buttttttttttttttttt

ive been asked a lot of advice from my besties and these signs could = A RELATIONSHIP!!! :D!

my 2nd bestie alr has a bf and her bf acted like this before he proposed, so... POSSIBLE!
From how you descriped how he acts he DEFINITELY likes you.
Don't answer that I've just now looked at the date.

9 Answers

0 votes
Just ask a classmate! I figured out my crush has a crush on me because of Laila!
0 votes
by (980 points)

It's really a 50-50 chance. I did gather some indicators from a website and will list them below: 

1. They keep looking at you

2. They get anxious around you

3. They initiate eye contact

4. They make casual physical contact

5. They change their body language around you

6. They try to sit near or next to you

7. They listen to you

8. They want to get to know you better

9. They try to get an idea of your plans and aspirations

10. They may inquire about your relationships

11. They call or text you a lot

12. They respond immediately

13. They get jealous when someone else flirts with you

14. They ask your friends about you

15. They find excuses to spend time with you alone

16. They talk about you often

17. They share secrets with you

18. Your mutual friends act differently when your crush is around

19. They’re aware of your needs and want to help

20. They look for you at social gatherings

21. They’re always at their best around you

22. You remind them of positive things in their life

23. They trust you

24. They flirt with you

25. They try to keep you happy

0 votes
by (156k points)
0 votes
Its a 50%-50% chance he likes you.
+1 vote
Im a boy but I know what to do when you have a crush just act normal around your crush and its a bad idea to have a crush if you have a diary onetime my friends diary fell out of his pocket and his bully opened it and ready it out loud so he somehow went to the principals office then you should just try to forget about it I use to have a crush in preschool on a girl named Mia and my bully found it and you can guess what happened now I'm 7 I'm turning 8 in a few months but that's all I have to say#thisisthebestcrushadviceyouwilleverget

Good luck on handling your crush kid
by (966k points)
Good advice! Thanks! Now I can definitely trust advice from a 7 year-old! (Well, I always have. After all, kids have more common sense than adults.)
by (29.5k points)
He has surprisingly good grammar for a 7 year old.
0 votes
Oh definitely! Those are some of the main signs. I would confront him first and ask "Do you like me?" Make it so he can't tell if ypu like him or not to avoid heartbreak. But sometimes heartbreak just happens and that's okay too.
Nice answer kid
+1 vote
I am currently going through kinda the same thing, so I’ll be happy to help! There’s this boy in my class, and we also do ballet together. I would definitely consider him a friend, and he considers me one, but I have started to maybe develop a crush on him. Whenever I’m hanging out with my friends, his always there trying to impress us with his “ ballet skills “. ( he is quite skilled in ballet, it’s a level 6 class) I would just try to get more 1 on 1 time with him so he might feel more comfortable with only you there.
0 votes
by (550k points)
Just ask him. Be.like a brave creeper who doesn't run from an Image ocelot.
0 votes
by (147k points)
-I don't have a crush so sorry can't help-
by (12.9k points)
oh np!!!!!!!!! thx for always supporting me about everything else tho!


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