+7 votes
in LGBTQIA Club by
I think I'm lesbian!!! Idk though all the boys call me lesbian and I don't want to give them the pleasure of being right plus I wanna have my own baby so I'm freaking out!!!!! What do I do I have 2 friends that used to be bi so they understand but pls help!!!!!!!!??
What's lesbian?

5 Answers

0 votes
Tell your friends also you don't even need to tell the boys. But here is a burn you could use if they say "Your lesbian!" than say "Aaaannd, nobody cares."
by (11.5k points)
that 'Aaaaand nobody cares' reminds me of Bluey, season 3, episode 7, Unicourse 'aaaaaaand why should I care'
“Oh…” *eyeroll* “I forgot about the catchphrase.”

I LOVE BLUEY ITS ONE OF THE BEST SHOWS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 votes
by (966k points)
Like imnayeon said, come out to your friends. It’s fine to be lesbian, and I support you!
0 votes
by (156k points)
1st Calm down

2nd your not your either girl or boy.
???? I'm a girl????????
by (966k points)
Lesbian isn’t non-binary, TurtleUnicorns. If you’re lesbian, you‘re a girl that likes a girl.
by (156k points)
Listen. The world tries to make you think you like a girl. Its (somewhat) happened to me before. Just be friends with them. And stop crushing.
by (550k points)
There is nothing wrong with having a girlfriend as a girl! Look it up!
by (156k points)
There kind of is. In the bible god gave Adam a wife! In the bible the same gender never married therefore the biblical marriage equals man and woman. Just bc Google says something doesn't !wan its right.
by (966k points)
I didn’t learn about LGBT from Google. I learned about it on KidzTalk.

And I don’t even read the Bible.
by (156k points)
Well, you should. I don't care if your entire family hates Christianity or isn't Christian, you should read it. Its better than any other book around.
by (966k points)
Nah, it seems boring.
by (156k points)
Well, its the truth. One day you'll wish you had listened to me.
by (966k points)
The Bible was written in ancient times by PEOPLE before science was accepted by society! Pretty much everyone back then didn’t believe in science, so they made up gods and goddesses as a way to explain natural events. Nowadays, we know more about how natural events actually work.

Can we stop arguing now and agree to disagree?
by (156k points)
Fine. But the bible will always be right. I hope one day you'll find it in your heart to say that i was too.
by (156k points)
Turtle unicorn you are the best

What on earth turtleunicorns. not cool. the bible was written thousands and thousands of years ago.  

by (156k points)
So the bible was written thousands of years ago right? And kings wanted it burned and destroyed. Well, if it really was nothing special how do we still have it today??
by (156k points)
Turtle unicorn I agree
by (550k points)
You can have different beliefs but just don't say there's something wrong with gay marriage please! THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH GAY MARRIAGE. Besides, (if i believed in god) I wouldn't think he would care if a girl married a girl or a guy married a guy as long as the people love each other properly.

*creeper explosion* *door slam* *curtain close*
by (156k points)
If he didn't care then why did he put Man and Woman on the planet to be married. There is something wrong with it.
by (156k points)
Turtle unicorn yes I agree!!!
by (550k points)
Bye! I'm leaving forever!
by (966k points)
Don’t leave, Minecraftnerd! Just ignore the users that annoy you.
by (550k points)
Yeah. I guess Turtleunicorns is not on my list of replacements anymore. She insists LGBT+ is wrong.
by (99.7k points)
I know this is SUPER late, but didn't God love everyone?

No matter who you love?

What color you are?

He loved everyone and accepts those who have gay marriage! He loves everyone!
by (966k points)
Yeah, but also the Bible said that homosexuality is a sin? But the second part doesn’t really matter.
0 votes
by (550k points)
It's ok to be lesbian.
0 votes
by (214k points)
Maybe tell your two friends first!! And them if you feel comfortable telling others then do it


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