+5 votes
in Venting by
So this is an update to a post I made a week or so ago. In case you didn't see that post, here's a basic summary. I have a boyfriend, James, and a friend, Kate. We were a friend group and things were fine until Kate started making fun of my nose and saying it made me look like a bird. I laughed it off but it bothered me. Kate also has this problem where she is happy one day then depressed the next and mad the next. Its very strange and rapid. I talked to James and we decided to drop her through text. I am wondering if I did the right thing though because I still feel like I did something wrong.

Here's the update now:

Kate is on my bus when im at my dads so I see her a lot. We used to sit together but she switched seats. She glares at me in school and steps on the back of my shoes. I smile at her with all my teeth when I see her though because I don't want any more drama and I don't want her to think im sad about losing her even though I kind of am.

So we were in gym class the other day and I was in the locker room chatting with James (He is a trans male btw) and Kate came up to us. She started chatting with James as if they were best friends or something, and ignored me. I was confused and James was just downright uncomfortable. Kate also has been following him around and asking to sit with him during study halls, which James has promptly ignored.

And as I mentioned in the last post, I mentioned that Kate has a crush on both me and James but she lost her crush on me after the incident between us. I am almost positive, and me and James both agreed, that Kate has a crush on James and isn't even trying to hide I anymore.

I have relationship and trust issues and it breaks my heart to see what Kate is trying to do and even though I trust James 100% and know he would never leave me for her, it still makes me so sad. I don't know what to do anymore. Even though im pretty sure I wasn't my fault for what happened between us it still makes me so sad when she glares at me in the halls because I don't want any drama or for anyone to hate me. What do I do?

5 Answers

0 votes
Maybe switch schools or drop whatever subjects in school that you both take and try to drop all contact with her.
0 votes
by (3.6k points)

You were right to stop being her friend! The fact she glares and you now is exactly why you're not friends! It's right to feel sad but she isn't right for you. I'm glad you trust James and maybe talk to a teacher or adult about Kate bullying you. confused_smile


0 votes
+2 votes
by (965k points)
Stop hanging out with Kate, and tell your teacher.

Also, there’s someone in my class that also steps on the back of my shoes. Usually, it’s pretty minor, but it was severe today. (I actually got hurt.)
by (3.6k points)
There is always someone who steps on the back of your shoes. In my class it's a group of boys
by (965k points)
As for the person who stepped on me, later that month, the teacher was informed that she was physically bullying me and the bully got in trouble. Soon after, we became neutral and now she’s in none of my classes and I don’t talk to her.
by (3.6k points)
Lucky the boys are in my form
by (965k points)
+1 vote
I think you should stop smiling at Kate when you walk past her because all she wants you to do is give her attention which it looks like your doing. The other thing is if you are talking to James and she just walks up out of the blue and starts talking over you, you need to say "Kate I was talking to James don't come up while I'm in the middle of talking you know thats rude and not mature" And if she glares at you, you need to glare back and say "I don't know who you think your looking at because I'm not afraid to tell somebody what your doing" And if she is stepping on the back of your shoes you need to make it clear and say "Don't you ever step on my shoes again they don't belong to you so leave them alone!" And just walk away before she could even say something. And I think it's good that you switched seats on the bus that was a wise idea. I hope this helps if you do this let me know how it goes just chat me on here!! - Best of luck Daila

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