+4 votes
in LGBTQIA Club by


I know there have been a lot of people saying things like, 'I don't support LGBTQ+ because of my religion.' Okay, I understand, but people are always, 'be who [whoever you believe in] made you to be. People were made to be the sexuality they are. People were made to be the gender they are. 

Another excuse is 'it's new and just made up'. Being LGBTQ+ is not new and has been around for so long. There were people from royalty to just regular people who were LGBTQ+ and were forced to stay in the shadows. Take Emily Dickinson. She was in love with her brother's wife. She also was alive SO LONG AGO. In some places in the ancient times, gay couples didn't have to face much trouble. It was allowed. Then it wasn't. Now it is again in a lot of places. And so many stories of transgender people are just hidden away and need to be discovered.

Finally, so many people say it's a choice and you can just get rid of it by praying or whatever. It's. Not. A. Choice. You. Can't. Get. Rid. Of. It. You don't wake up and say 'guess I'm LGBTQ+ now!' You don't decide, 'oh, I want to be LGBTQ+.' You can't be like, 'no, I don't want to do this.' So many people have forced this all down and pretend to be cis and/or straight. 

Just because of people. Family, friends, even people they don't know.

I'm posting this here because some people come on this section just to express their views or say 'I don't think this is right' or just to send hate in general. This club is to support the community. I just want people to know about this.


3 Answers

0 votes
by (550k points)
0 votes
also i think davinchi was gay
0 votes
by (84.5k points)
You are definetly correct you have to experiece it to know what you are and express it in a way you feel comfortable doing so so thank you for putting this out here it definetly helps teens and kids for 1 im a teen (16) and i had to go through a lot of stuff to really know who i was as a teen girl and realized i was bisexual and now that i  am in 10th we get used to the community even though there are still people who dont exept us and thats ok you slay.

DONT LET ANYONE ELSE GET TO YOU they just want that type of attention and you shouldnt give it to em.

Love UwU,



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