+7 votes
in LGBTQIA Club by (155k points)
I know a lot of people are in it and a lot of people support it. I’m pretty sure I’m in it except for the only label I can think of to describe my sexuality is “queer.” I’m working on it. ANYWHO, how many of them are there? Do you support? Are you part of it? Help me figure out who does and doesn’t!

16 Answers

0 votes
by (10.5k points)
+1 vote
by (114k points)
Im a proud supporter of the LQBTQIA+ community.

Fun Fact: I have a set of gay uncles on my dads side, and one set of gay uncles on my moms side.
+1 vote
by (1.34m points)
I just let people do their own thing without judging
by (530k points)
That's why you're my friend :D

At least, I think you're my friend

That kinda has to be a mutual thing—
by (1.34m points)
by (530k points)

+2 votes
i am bi
+2 votes
by (14.6k points)
I support… mostly. But am definitely not in it. I’m a female and have always felt like I’m a female.
What do you mean by mostly?
by (14.6k points)
I just mean I don’t completely get why someone would decide to be a different gender than what they are birthed as. That’s all

I only learned of people like this like, a month ago bc of the school shooting in Nashville TN
They don't decide. They were just assigned the wrong gender bc people base it off of body parts instead of what people feel. I mean, there is a difference between sex (assigned gender at birth) and gender.
by (14.6k points)
Uuuuuuuuhm… okay… now I’m even more confused XD
I'll try to answer any respectful questions! :)
by (965k points)
Alright, how do you spell “respectful”?

Oml I almost said r-e-s-p-e-c-t-u-l. . .e.

Sorry about that-
by (10.5k points)
that's just your gender lgbtq also is sexuality's
+3 votes
by (228k points)
i might be lesbian or bi idk im also an ally and cisgender
+2 votes
by (127k points)
That's not how you spell the 42nd word. It's "anyhoo," not "anywho." That was the 42nd word. That was word #42. Weird. Am I the only one that finds that weird?

Just mentioning this as a piece of friendly advice because I saw that was a mistake, not a typo.
by (530k points)
You... You literally counted
by (127k points)
Yes. And the word I was describing was the 42nd. Bit odd, ain't it?
by (155k points)
You sound like one of those people who say “anyway” instead of “anyways” rip
by (530k points)

Wait, Duke, did you know that the meaning if life is 42 according to Google?

So that means that "anywho" is technically part of the meaning of life.


@Sloth, yeah, but, he kind of reminds me of an older kid who hangs around with the younger ones just for the fun of confusing them and being around XD

by (127k points)
@nobi Yeah that's me. Also it's not Google that says that. It's from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe. Basically they figured out that the meaning of life is 42.
by (155k points)
Oh really

My life problems be answered by ye number FOHRTEY TWHOO
by (530k points)


Oh, that's good to know. Also, about the personality thing, I just knew you were one of those people X3



+2 votes
by (56.3k points)
I can't cuz my religion says not tu.

But I don't hate em.
by (14.6k points)
What’s your religion? If you’re comfortable saying it
by (550k points)
Umm some LGBT people are religious.
Religion isn't exactly an excuse!
by (56.3k points)

U go to hell if u support it or anything.

My mom says it's because ur thinking those stuff and u can be straight by having thoughts that straight people have. I'm not sure if it's true or not. Practically I don't have a religion CUZ I'M CONFUSED MYSELF.
by (14.6k points)
Ok. I’m confused too. I’m Christian, so that’s next level confusing!
by (530k points)
It's confusing because it's not right. :/
Tbh, I don't really know what thoughts straight people have, and I'm not going to force myself to, because I'm not straight. I never just randomly decided to think about this.
by (965k points)
@Minecraftnerd, true. In fact, a lot of LGBT+ people are religious.
@Minecraftnerd, yeah.
by (530k points)
There are gay pastors. PASTORS, CHRISTIANS!

How do you say to someone that you don't support it because of your religion, yet there stand homosexual pastors in some churches?
by (56.3k points)
:' I'm confused myself too

I need to ask someone.
by (965k points)
@Writingnerd I’m straight myself, but I’m also asexual, so I just get confusion noises in my head.
@Sassy Girl Like I told Kayqueen, I can answer any respectful questions!
@Elo :)

I think everybody does, but yeah, that makes sense that you get confusion noises.
by (965k points)
+2 votes
by (132k points)
I dont know if I support it, but i definitely respect it!

Also, im not part of it cuz im only attracted to boys.
by (530k points)

What is there not to support? regular_smile

by (14.6k points)
Actually, now that I think about it. Same lover! I’m not sure how I feel about it…
+2 votes
by (29.7k points)
im pansexual


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