+6 votes
in Fiction by (71.3k points)

so basically everyone's making a book... why can't ya'll wait till NaNoWriMo? well, I made a book too, so I guess you all aren't the only impatient ones :p. anyways here's chapter one;

August 17, 2022, 7:40 AM

Step One: Wake up. It’s the first day of school. You wake up, brush your teeth and hair, get dressed, put on your backpack, and go out the back door. You can’t go through the front door because your aunt and her boyfriend moved in over the summer. Your family had to turn the front room, where your grandpa used to hang out, into a bedroom for them, and your family had to turn the basement into his area.

You finally got out of the house. It was 6:40 a.m. You walked across the street to the bus stop, and waited for your best friend Sharyl Junge (and also the bus)... but brothers Kye and Beso Case got there first. 

“HEY ALICE!” They yelled in sync from across the street… crossing… crossed. The bus pulled up. You rushed in, thankful you weren’t on the same bus as them. You hear them yelling your name… “ALICE! ALICE THOMPSON!” in a singsongy voice. You hate them.

August 17, 2022, 3:04 PM

It’s after school now. Kye and Beso followed you and threw rocks at your front door. It wouldn’t have annoyed you because that’s your aunt and her boyfriend’s room now. You can’t hear the pang of the rocks over them arguing, so it’s fine.

Over the summer you once got so mad that you threw a brick at Beso and got grounded for a MONTH. That was when you were walking to the park with Sharyl and they wouldn’t stop pestering you. They followed you to the park, and while you were going home, Sharyl realized they were following you. So you grabbed a brick and chucked it at Beso’s leg. He had brushed it off like it didn’t hurt, but he had to go to the hospital because he was limping. That was when your mother got called, and she grounded you. You couldn’t go out for a month! You were so upset.

I've already finished chapter 2 so I'll post it in a sec :D

2 Answers

0 votes
by (29.5k points)
Who are Kye and Beso? Alice's neighbours?
0 votes
by (137k points)
Wow, I've found these just now, you're really pumping these out fast. Cool!

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