+7 votes
in Debate by
HI! So you're here. Yeah, you obviously know that already though. Anyways, I have no idea why you clicked here. No, this isn't clickbait. Okay? Yeah, let's stop talking weird stuff and nonsense already and get to the point.

You may have seen my other post as an anonymous user-what was it called again? Oh, yeah. It was called "The truth.". It was about how older doesn't mean wiser and how everybody should get respect. If you didn't, go ahead and read it if you want, boost and smash the upvote button (no I'm not Carly but I do have an account here but I'm not using it).

ANYWAYS. In this post, I will be talking about something else. Should kids be allowed to vote? Well, I honestly think we should be allowed to vote, and I'll explain why in this post.

There are reasons why kids should be allowed to vote. In my next post I will explain some reasons why kids shouldn't be allowed to vote, but for now you have these reasons:

-If kids are allowed to vote, they'll have equal rights. Not letting kids vote is just like how Black people or women weren't allowed to vote hundreds of years ago. And anyways, it wouldn't be fair that adults are allowed to vote and not kids.

-If kids are allowed to vote, they could make a difference too. I mean, isn't it better to have more people's opinions so EVERYBODY could make a difference?

-This third reason is one I almost didn't put in here and I'll explain why, but, another reason is also because kids can make a bigger impact when they're a bit older. But you still have to remember, they're still a human right now, and it's more about the present than the future.

-The last reason is that kids might- just MIGHT, I'm not saying age is straight up related to this- be less closed-minded. You too, a lot of adults (not all adults, but a lot) are stuck in their ways, and a lot of kids (again, not all kids) are more open minded. So what does this have to do with voting? Well, they are less likely (pay attention to the less likely) to be stuck with a president that isn't that good. The open mindedness trait gives kids a good reason why they should be allowed

But then again, there are reasons why kids shouldn't be allowed to vote, and I will post about that in my next article. But there are also these good reasons kids should be allowed to vote. So, now it's time for YOU to say what YOU think about this. Post it in the answers/comments. What do you think? Should kids be allowed to vote?

9 Answers

0 votes
by (156k points)
Kids would literally just click everybody or random. Maybe not once you're like 12+ but still, it makes no sense to allow children to vote. Also, most parents would just tell there kids to pick whichever one the parent chose and in that case, it would no longer be fair. Just leave it to adults. I mean are we really so deprived because were not old enough to check a box or tap a screen?
Well excuuuuuse me ma'am I am under 12 and I know that children my age would not do stuff like that I am offended by that age range you just put.
by (156k points)
Ok. I'm sure. Very sorry for any insult.
0 votes
b o o s t
0 votes
by (167k points)
+1 vote
by (137k points)
I believe the resons for not letting children vote are valid enough to stay in their stead. Children have underdeveloped minds, making them easier to manipulate and influence without important or relevant things (And it only matures during teenhood, therefore the best age would be 18 since the mind has usually been completely developed by then. (Although the age of development is not consistent for each person, 18 is generally the best age)). A child is also more liable to making mistakes or not taking voting seriously (since they really aren't committed to the state of America these days). Children are people, they just aren't going to make a positive impact, and they are uneducated to make decisions like this (Since classes in Law come during high school for most people). Also, it is factual that children do not have equal rights, for very good reasons. They cannot manage the lifestyle of an adult, they can't live alone and work a job (they are too irresponsible.). Instead they get free refuge under their parent's care until they are of age, and they are actually given so much protection in court too. They physically and mentally are absolutely incapable of managing life like that (Also depends on the age and maturity.). There is very good reason for them to not be allowed to vote.
by (968k points)
Nah, the brain actually doesn’t completely develop until 25. There’s a reason teenagers and people in general (but especially teenagers) sometimes make bad decisions.
by (167k points)
I thoughts brains never stopped developing.
by (968k points)

Okay, I should’ve used maturing instead of developing. The brain does develop always, but it stops maturing at 25.

by (167k points)
by (137k points)
Elo, sorry I was jumping to conclusions, I was just assuming since that's when you're legally an adult in the US.
by (968k points)
Nah, it’s fine. I’m not sure how many people knew what I just said anyways. (As in they already knew that before I said it)
Johnny Joe Johnson the legal age for an adult is 18.
+1 vote
by (968k points)

Yeah. Make it 5 and under. That way we will get a good president who will make Cocomelon mandatory steer our country towards good decisions.

by (796k points)
I agree
+1 vote
Boosting+plz upvote
+1 vote
by (302k points)

i agree, but...

wouldnt kids just vote depending on someone looks?

i know if my sister would be allowed to vote...- oh no--

I agree with PizzaLover, 10+ iwould be a good age!!!


They could get lessons at school on how to decide who to vote for or something.

I also thought maybe somebody (I was thinking on doing it myself but I'm 10 so idrk how that's going to happen) could make a program where kids could share their ideas on who should be president. Basically the same thing but specially for kids.
0 votes
by (796k points)
by (796k points)
Maybe 13+ will be a good voting age.
Yeah I was also thinking that

I dunno, I'm thinking a lot of different things. I haven't stopped thinking about this all day.
+1 vote
by (119k points)
I agree with you. I think voting should be 10+ not 18+
Yup. That's kind of what I was thinking or maybe even 9+.

And like I said to Worm maybe there could be something where littler kids could say their ideas on who could be president. It wouldn't be an official election thing, just something where kids can think about it for themselves.

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