+7 votes
in All Advisors by (114k points)

Hey guys, if ur a boy or girl or non binary, idc, I just need advice. ok, on with the post.

So I have this crush on a boy, let's call him Eli (That's obviously not his real name). So Eli comes off as annoying to many people, and he has friends that even I call annoying. Anyways, Eli is what other people would call the "Try-Hard Class Clown". As in he tries to be the Class Clown, but doesn't really succeed.

Ok, now that you know about this guy, here is why I need advice on asking him.

  1. There's already a rumor going around that I like him. (No thanks to boy-who-must-not-be-named)
  2. I'm in 5th grade. (If yk, yk)
  3. If I try to talk to him alone, my friends will literally be following me, listening in. (Which I actually would be fine with if they hide somewhere)

Anyways, my mom is making me take a shower, so pls give me advice!

Adi out!

7 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Girl I completely get u, I was in just about the same position your in right now. First, you needs observe, see if he has a girlfriend already, see if hes a good guy, see if he might like you back, Then, you wanna slowly start conversations with him, maybe compliment him, maybe ask for help on a project or assignment, if you guys have passing periods or hallways you pass each other him, just do a soft wave, and a gentle smile. Yeah, friends can be a bit annoying when u want privacy, so u could always tell them nicely to give u a second, and if they don't u privacy u need, then that gets to a "toxic friend". But just start with small steps and get him to notice u, maybe become friends, etc.
0 votes
hey i know its hard just start a conversation and hang out get to now echother and well ya im sorry your freinds aare like that and will be noisey mean girls...lol pls i hope this helps.
by (114k points)
They rnt noisy mean girls.... There my best friends....
0 votes
i can't help you with this when I have the same problem sorry.......
0 votes
by (965k points)
I’m kind of in the same situation. Basically everyone thinks that I like someone, and that someone happens to be my crush.

Anyways, be friends first, then, just tell him upfront.
0 votes
by (27.4k points)
write notes but say secret admierer and at a school dance or something say secret admierer will meet him somewhere use this if you want idk
0 votes
by (116k points)
I spent so long writing something to tell you how to produce sounds with your vocal cords so you could tell your crush that you like him but I figured I might get banned for playing Captain Obvious RP.
0 votes
by (541k points)

i rlly dk.

If YOU like him doesent that count????




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