+11 votes
in Life and bracelets by (546k points)
I feel like some people don't.

Can you admit what you think of me? I want honesty here guys.

If there is something that I do that you do not like, please tell me.

I want to be better!



12 Answers

+2 votes
by (302k points)
Best answer

Chealsea whatever your last name is...

you have been my friend, my crush, my gf, and now you are my sister some how-





honestly, i dont know what i would do without you. i really, really love you platonically :]

i mean i will list why i like you

#1, your pretty

#2 your smart

#3 your inviting

#4 your sweet

#5 your caring 

#6 your forgiving

#7 your inclusive

*one year later*

#999 you are AWESOME.

i could go on, and on, AND ON. :]

you are the Nezuko to my Zenitsu. (dont ask)


by (529k points)

Can I please just say that the first 7 should start with you're—

by (546k points)

Thank u uuuu

-ur online little sister.
by (302k points)

i was in a rush, lol


by (546k points)
0 votes
by (34.0k points)
above averagely average, basically in-between above average and average, but in a good way that is hard to describe but can be called "mellow" - you are not so average and normal, but not so different that it is hard to interact with you.
+1 vote
by (230k points)
I REALLY love you (platonically obvi) but It's a bit frusturating how you always say everybody hates you! Because we all LOOOOOVE you so much! I think you should stop worrying so much about who likes you or not and remember you have frens on here!:)
by (546k points)
Ok! Ur awesome :D
by (230k points)
TY!! U r too!!
+1 vote
by (7.0k points)
I can explain my problems and you will not care You with say so nice of things SO I LOVE YOU AS A BEST FRIEND
+1 vote
by (69.6k points)
YOUR MY BEST FRIEND AND I KT LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by (546k points)
+1 vote
by (132k points)
I love youuuu
0 votes
by (34.8k points)

you're pretty Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious if you ask me

+1 vote
by (137k points)
I definitely think you're an amazing addition to this userbase.
0 votes
You don't need to worry about anyone not liking you if someone doesn't like you then they are crazy!


Queen cat
0 votes
by (966k points)
Yeah I like you. (Not in a weirdo way)


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