+5 votes
in Life and bracelets by (546k points)



cry_smile. That's me rn.

So as you all know my mom died at a party last week. And I'm still. Well shooken up. But anyway not the point that I am trying to get to here: So my mom's funeral is tomorrow. And she won't even really be at the funeral because she was burned to ashes. Sounds sad I lone. I don't need to feel worse I just need to get out my feelings. I miss her. I miss her so bad. I don't really remember my dad dying very well. I do remember us reading and snacking and watching a movie like a happy normal family when I was eight. It was on a Tuesday bight. My dad got up and suddenly said that he felt really really dizzy all of the sudden. His face turned whitish blue and he said he was having trouble breathing. I was so scared. I didn't know what to do. My mom was in shock and scared to death so little eight year old me grabbed her phone and dialed the emergency number for the hospital. Not saying it incase it gets hyuded. But yeah he collapsed on the floor just as the abundance arrived at our house. And then these big medical people got out and starting talking to my mom telling her to take deep breaths. Then later they told us my dad was having ah eart attack and he might not make it. We rushed to the hospital with baby little Abby being only three or four at the time and made it to the hospital. My mom was running down the hall carrying Abby I was running and crying my brain out. We made it to his room and I got so freaked out. He was hooked up onto many breathing life machines and he was asleep but I squeezed his hand really tight and he squeezed it back and said I love you. He died. Oh gosh I didn't notice I was in tears well writing this. But yeah.

I guess I remember it very well.



I'm depressed.






But I don't want to go to my mom's funeral. What should I do?? She doesn't deserve me there..right??

15 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Aww Chels please don't cry!!!!!!!!!!!! Chels do some breathing exercises here c'mon! 

Breath in, Breath out, Breath in, Breath out 

 Ok lets talk about this, If I were you I'd probably feel bad if I didn't go to it. Well ok I don't have experience with funerals but I would bring some tissues and maybe carry a little candy to eat while your there and you'll be alright. regular_smile

And maybe bring a friend with you so you can maybe hug them. Trust me, having a friend there with you will make you feel better. And Chels don't you DARE say she wouldn't want you there! Chels your a really good person and an AWESOMfriend!!!!!!!!!!!! 

by (546k points)

Thank you queen cat. But honestly I don't know if she would want her daughter who yelled at her who made her take off and leave basically its all my fault and I'll think its my fault until I'm an old lady because it makes me so sad that its basically my fault she's dead. But thank you queen cat. I don't really have any friends to bring but maybe I could go with Trevor?? I'm not sure if he'd wanna go but I could ask..

Thank you for saying I'm an awesome friend.

Your a great friend too!!

Your one of my dearest online besties!!

I want to have a nickname for you??

What should it be??

I cant eat candy lol


Oh and I guess I didn't say I'm going to the funeral. I'm wearing all black and stuff.

Chels it is NOT your fault she died! It isn't it isn't it isn't!!!!!!!

 Your the best online bestie I have too :)

I dunno my nickname can be whatever you choose ;D  

Your very welcome ;)
by (546k points)
Can I call you QC?? Like keigo does??


And its kinda my fault.

Anyway Abby is sitting next to me and she says "djfvrmkfvknfvjnvf"
by (967k points)


Very meaningful.


@Braceletgirl123 Sure ok you can call me QC! teeth_smile

No it isn't your fault  >:-(

+1 vote
by (61.1k points)
CHELS ! I’m…I didn’t know..all of that...

U DEFINITLY deserve to be there!

You are awesome.

You SHOULD NOT have to go thru this rn…

I’m so sorry…

I’m so sorry…

I’m so so so so so so so so so so sorry.

I don’t…even…

I dont even know what to say…

Except…I’m sry.

So so so sry.

So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry.

I luv u chels. (P)

Always know that we are here for you.

by (546k points)
Thank you sm!!
by (61.1k points)
0 votes
by (266k points)
I think the choice is 100% up to you! However, I think it might provide some needed closure, and it's a way to honor her passing. Will you also regret it 5 or 10 years from now? Just try not to do anything you'll regret.

Stay strong girly- you're doing a great job!
by (546k points)


I'm gonna go.
by (266k points)
I'm so glad! I'm sure she would appreciate it too :)
0 votes
by (967k points)
Dude, if you don’t want to go to the funeral, then don’t go to the funeral.
by (546k points)

I might go.
Don't call her "Dude"

Btw if your calling a girl Dude its actually Dudett
by (546k points)
QC I like dude.

Its alr.

Everyone calls me that
0 votes
I'm sorry chels
by (546k points)
0 votes
by (34.8k points)
She would want you there. Ik what ur feeling, and i js want to let u know all will get better from here, bc things can't stay bad 4ever. You should def go, it will be good for you. I know it's hard, but sometimes thats js how life is. Please go, you won't regret it. However, you do what you want to do. I really hope that you figure it out. Good luck chels :)
by (546k points)
Thx Lori,

I think I'm going to go becuz if I died when she was alive she would definitely go to my funeral.
+1 vote
by (2.7k points)
Omg I feel so bad for u! That must of been a traumatic experience that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Ik ur going thru a hard time, so going to ur mom's funeral is 1000% ur choice. Just know it isn't ur fault AT ALL. If that's the reason that is making u not wanna go, then go. But if u don't feel comfortable with it, then don't. It ur choice. Do whatever is best for u. I'm here if u need me. <3

~Bayleigh <3
by (546k points)

Thank you.


by (2.7k points)
0 votes
by (550k points)

You should go or you will regret not going. Maybe you could bring a flower with you and if her ashes get put in some kind of storage unit, you could put the flower in the cup thingy that is meant for flowers that is for your mom.

That's what me and my sister and maybe my mom and cousin did at my grandfather's funeral.

So, you should go.

If you need vent to me feel free. I will not be mad. I'll try my best to help. But if you don't want advice just say that in the message.

Maybe writing stories would help? I know it seems weird but if you take out your negative emotions on fictional characters it may help because you're letting your emotions out. And you can do it more freely bc if you keep it private there is no mods that have to approve or deny it. So you can do whatever you want to the characters.

(By the way this took 15+"minutes to type so I'm taking this seriously and there have been many edits made.)
by (546k points)
Thank you mcn your a great friend and yes last night around two am I decided that it is probably just going to be the right thing to do by going to her funeral. I'm leaving for it in twelve minutes so I got to go.

But tysm

+1 vote

cry_smileMy beautiful friend, I love u(p)!!!!!!!!! I am here for u and I feel as if u should go. But its ur chice so pls do what is comfortable for u and don't listen 2 me. I love u and I want u to do whats comfortable bc u r going thru such a tough time. I am sorry I am repeating the same words, remember im not good at being comforting. 

Your friend who wishes she knew Chels in real life,


by (546k points)

I love u too bestieeeee (p)

Im gonna go.
Ok I am glad. As I always say,

STAY STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+1 vote
by (39.3k points)
I'm so sorry you went through that chels!!!!!

Go to your moms funeral if you want to, whatever makes you happy.

Pm me about it if you want!

*hugs*Its going to be ok!!!!
by (546k points)
I will.

I think im gonna go bestie tysm

by (39.3k points)
Ok, you are welcome:)


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