+1 vote
in Personal by (180 points)
Im a guy in middle school and I have a crush in my algebra class.
We usually talk quite a bit and she recently asked me to help her with a test.

I don't know what to do please help me

I have so many friends that are guys, (yes Im a girl) an they ask me this all the time. Mostly, the are all different situations but in this one I advise you to look at the girls point of view. How do you act towards her, knowing that you can ask yourself how she acts back. If your obviously flirty, and she is acting normal/flirty back, she probalby has a crush on you. If she starts acting a little weird or embarassed, that another sign. If shes acting normal, she might just want to be friends. then for the test, I would say help her. But also, you need to get to know her. make sure sh is not gay or something weird. Then figure out her birthday, and give her something specail so that she will know that you care for her. DO NOT USE A TEXT. All my friends HATE that. :) I think that you should say it in person. once your ready. or at least a note.

Good luck

4 Answers

0 votes


I have so many friends that are guys, (yes Im a girl) an they ask me this all the time. Mostly, the are all different situations but in this one I advise you to look at the girls point of view. How do you act towards her, knowing that you can ask yourself how she acts back. If your obviously flirty, and she is acting normal/flirty back, she probalby has a crush on you. If she starts acting a little weird or embarassed, that another sign. If shes acting normal, she might just want to be friends. then for the test, I would say help her. But also, you need to get to know her. make sure sh is not gay or something weird. Then figure out her birthday, and give her something specail so that she will know that you care for her. DO NOT USE A TEXT. All my friends HATE that. :) I think that you should say it in person. once your ready. or at least a note.

0 votes
by (1.7k points)
ask her out with a math equation. Like y=mx+me and you
0 votes
by (22.1k points)
Just leave a note saying this

Hi (name) I have a crush on you so do you want to go on a date leave a note (just pick somewhere) to answer

-by Mystery Person

I don't have experience sooooo I'm home schooled or you could just do it just tell her you have a crush on her and that you want to go on a date maby the likes you and your both in the same situation
0 votes
I have know experience whatsoever so you should totally take my advice.

Try and get to know her better find out her sexuality and see if she’s into boys.

Maybe if her birthday is coming up and if it is get her something special to show her that you like her.

Befriend her and if she acts shy around you she might like you back.

 After you get to know her write it on a piece of paper and pass it to her.

I hope this helps. :D
by (180 points)
Any time!

I love helping people. :D

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