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5 Answers

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by (132k points)
I'm a girl. And yeah.

1. Get to know the girl a little more.

2. If you already know the girl quite a bit....

Then ask her!

3. Ask her somewhere private. don't let her friends or your friends interfere.
0 votes
I’m a girl as you can see from my username. If your brave, breath, and when they r alone, TELL THEM AND ASK THEM OUT
0 votes
by (1.7k points)
I only have 1 piece of advice as a girl. If you stink its an immediate no. Make sure you smell nice when you ask her to make you seem more alluring!
0 votes
by (59.0k points)

Ok. So ima girl and I can give ya the best advice. Here are some tips.

1. Be confident. Girls don’t like when you stare at them and then stutter and be like: “um-um-um so um do uh you um so um do you want to…uh…never mind…………..” and stuff like that. Go up and say something like… “Hey (whatever her name is), so you wanna go somewhere with me on Saturday? It’s ok if not, but I thought I’d ask you cause I really like you.”

2. Be yourself. Ickkkkkk that sounds soooo cheesy but yeah. Be yourself. What happens when the lucky girl realizes you ain’t what you really are? Trust me. If she doesn’t like u for who you are, she doesn’t deserve you, mate.

3. Be outright. Don’t put a note in her locker or backpack saying anonymous…that’s just…BLEH. if ur gonna write a note…SIGN UR NAME. Girls HATE the suspense of not knowing. Then u will have to find a time to tell her it was from u and that adds another step. If u write a note, say what you would say in real life face to face, ok?

4. You might be wondering…”ok well…..how do i talk to her? Where? When? What’s the RIGHT TIME???” Well, if she goes to your school, walk up to her, tap her on the shoulder, and go to a secluded private spot away from watching eyes. Seriously. Then, say what you are gonna say, we’ll use the other example, “ Hey (whatever her name is), so you wanna go somewhere with me on Saturday? It’s ok if not, but I thought I’d ask you cause I really like you.” OK. YOU GOT THE WORDS OUT. If she says no, DONT START CRYING OR RUN AWAY OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE. If she says no, say, “Ok, I respect that. Let me know if you want to do anything in the future.” EVEN IF YOU DONT FEEL LIKE IT. Trust me. Girl feel SO bad about it most of the time…you dont need to make her feel even more bad. If she says yes…….


BUT there is more to do. Listen. You have to be able to control yourself after. You dont want to jump up and down like a crazy person! You could say something like… “Ok! Great! So…(and then you confirm where you want to go and when and stuff like that AND if you dont have it already, get her phone number.)”. Ok. THENNNNNNNNN you might want to try something to REALLY start your relationship. And i want u to trust me on this. There is nothing a girl would feel happier with than this. Take her hand, gently but firmly, and say “is-is this ok?” Cuz TRUST ME she would be SO  happy with u asking. If she says no, however, let go immediately. ok? And if she says yes, keep holding it and walk together. You MIGHT even want to kiss her lightly on the cheek. Or maybe the lips but thats a little much for a first day relationship if you know what i mean….

I hope these tips help you and your crush, and GOOD LUCK MAN!!!!! (I’m assuming ur a guy) 


by (90.1k points)
Honestly I should use this sometime if I like someone
by (59.0k points)
Yes. Yes you should
0 votes
by (116k points)
First you have to make your vocal cords vibrate to produce sound. Then you need to move your tounge around to produce different words with the tone of a question. That is how you ask a girl out.
by (59.0k points)
I’m pretty sure it’s tongue. Not tounge.

But yes that is very accurate.
by (64.1k points)
Yes! Ofc! And then the girl will be like: "Omgosh! You can talk?!?! You're the coolest boy... how bout we go out?"
No I mean it
by (59.0k points)
Look at my answer

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