+2 votes
in LGBTQIA Club by (119k points)
Okay, so around  January  I became friends with two girls, C and S. S is my maybe crush. So , we’ve formed a trio of sorts and are really close and eat lunch together and walk to  and from school together and stuff.

So about S, even before we became friends I always thought she was really pretty. And she’s really pretty.

So,C and S are pretty physically affectionate, like we hug all the time and stuff. And honestly I’m always looking for an excuse to hug S, or for us to have some physical contact. And whenever we hug, I feel warm and fuzzy.

Also, she has the best personality. She’s brutally honest and I love that about her, and it’s just hard to explain how awesome she is, we sit next to each other in ELA and she always  draws on my hand.

I think I may have a crush, but I’m not sure. If I did tho, I doubt she likes me though, so it would  prob be unrequited. I think she’s straight, but ik she supports cause C is bi. I’m not 200% sure if she’s straight tho

So,do I have a crush on S? I’m happy to answer any questions   you might have

I have a crush too! Nice to see someone that doesn't think its weird!

6 Answers

0 votes
yeah. Also, ik know there is no one way to look queer, but likeeeee...does she???? like, are you getting vibes?
0 votes
0 votes
by (43.8k points)
I mean it definitely sounds like a crush to me
0 votes
by (967k points)
Yeah you have a crush.
0 votes
by (550k points)
Definitely. You can't  know if someone is straight unless u ask.  So how for it ask her to b ur gf
0 votes
by (547k points)
I think you might.

Whats her hair color??
by (119k points)
Brown, the tips are purple tho,why?
by (547k points)
Idk.Just curious.

Sounds cool tho!

I approve for u 'pl


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