+13 votes
in Fashion/Style by (68.9k points)

Do any of you wear makeup? I do not, I like doing makeup for other people, but I don't like doing makeup on myself.

~ Wraya <3

by (1.34m points)

Men can wear makeup too




by (156k points)
Eh. It just looks weird.
by (68.9k points)

I know guys can, but it's just that I don't like the fact that some guys wear too much makeup, I'm okay if guys wear natural makeup, not colorful.

@PUMPKIN, do you wear makeup?

I agree, TurtleUnicorns.

by (165k points)
This is really late but I agree!

At my acting camp there was this guy who wore make-up even when we were just praticing for the show! He did like everyone else's make-up too! He did mine he did a really good job I just think it's looks a bit unatural!

*Sorry for all the spelling mistakes!
by (68.9k points)

Hey, it's been a while! I missed you a lot!!That's so cool! It's fine, I make a lot of spelling mistakes too. If you're wondering why I haven't been online in a while, I'll try and make a post about it.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
I've missed u a lot too! I have! I guessed it was just moving (ugh)!

Can't wait!
I think that boys and girls can wear makeup, your gender doesn't define you and you can be whoever you want to be <3

~ Lu ~
by (156k points)
Your gender actually does define you. That s why there are genders.
by (116k points)

by (965k points)
i agree with lu
by (116k points)
by (530k points)
I also agree with lu. Lots of guys wear makeup.

13 Answers

+1 vote
by (206k points)
I put on makeup and wear it at home for a few hours.
by (541k points)
Im not allowed to wear much :l

 just some for cheer. My aunt and mom agreed that they don't want old dudes trying to date me thinking im 30 ig
by (68.9k points)

I do pre-shower makeup a lot loll, and sometimes I wear more makeup at home than outside because doing makeup is pretty fun (I only do lips and eyes, but sometimes more if I'm bored)

My parents are pretty chill with letting me wear makeup.. but also when I wear makeup I don't make myself look older.. I think. loll

by (266k points)
+1 vote
I wear a little bit of makeup, but not much. I wear some concealer and base and that's it.
by (68.9k points)

That's cool! Concealer was the first makeup product that I ever purchased.. but I don't use it, because when I bought it I thought it would cover up my dark circles, but turns out my dark circles are not dark, they're just a little deep so it looks kind of dark.. lol I do my eyes and lips though! But I only do mascara when I'm bored or feel pretty lolll

+1 vote
by (790k points)
I don't
I hate wearing makeup
by (68.9k points)

Okay! I can kind of relate lol because I wear makeup now but I really don't like doing full face, I only do my eyes and lips.

by (790k points)
I respect your opinion

also welcome back Wraya

Flaming phoneix and cheer are back
+1 vote
Well....... Ive worn makeup before but my mom put it on for me though.
by (68.9k points)

That's so sweet though! I wear makeup now (only eyes and lips), but when I was younger I asked my mom to do makeup for me a few times lol.

+1 vote
by (965k points)
Nope, unless lip balm counts. I don’t really like makeup.
by (68.9k points)

That's nice, ig! ;)

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (965k points)
And I almost never put on lip balm.
by (68.9k points)

Niceee! thumbs_up

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (965k points)
Even though my lips are always dry.
by (68.9k points)

I always use chapstick, but my lips get a little bit dry still.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (965k points)
Chapstick and lip balm are the same thing for your information.
by (68.9k points)

Oh yeah, I know, I always say lip balm irl, but I'm fine with saying chapstick here, bc guys are always like, "You wear lipstick?!" so yeah.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (965k points)
I also say lip balm in real life. Only because my lip balm is called that.
by (68.9k points)

Oh, nice logic! <3

by (965k points)
Also, my mom won’t let me wear makeup until I’m 14. (I know this because my sister who is 4 said that she wanted to wear makeup and my mom said that wearing makeup was at least a decade away for her, so it’s probs the same for me)
0 votes
by (40.6k points)
I don't wear make-up
by (68.9k points)

Cool cool. <3

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

0 votes
by (12.9k points)
i want to, but i wouldn't wear a bunch of it. my mom says girls our age; 30 and under is what she means (ALL WISE MOTHERHOOD STRIKES AGAIN), should focus on inhancing natural beauty. i wear a little lip gloss, cuz i get very chapped lips and keep losing my lip balm.
by (68.9k points)

Hi! Yes, my mom lets me wear makeup, but she's no big fan of kids wearing makeup. I sometimes ask my mom if I can try on some makeup, and she always says yes, but every time I ask, she always warns me on how it'll probably ruin my skin. The only times I ever wear makeup these days is inside, and I always go for a natural or jelly look (female kpop celebs do that). I rarely wear makeup though. I also don't own any makeup myself, except some lip gloss and lip tint. 

I use chapstick/lip balm on my lips, because if I don't, they get sooo chapped/dry. I've only used lip gloss 3 times in my life so far.

My mom says that people who wear a lot of makeup are showing people that they're insecure of their looks, I'm guessing she's right. And if you wear makeup in front of your friends a lot, and one day you don't you'll look unnatural to them.

BTW, I forgot how old you are, sorry, if you feel comfortable telling me, could you?

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (12.9k points)
sry, yea. Im 12! how old r u?
by (68.9k points)

Cool, same here! ;P

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

by (165k points)
Your dancing acting thing sounds AMAZING!
by (68.9k points)

I'm guessing that's meant for me? If it is, then tysm! <33

by (165k points)
Yes it was!
0 votes
Hi! I know I am answering this late but I just saw this.

So, I am a model and I dance too so for like competitions we have to wear makeup.

Usually red lipstick and like nude eyeshadow.
by (68.9k points)

It's okay! Same here. I went to this place called ipop. It's for kids who want to learn how to dance, sing, model, and act. I auditioned about 4 times to get in there. And my parents used a profit for me to go there, and for all of the clothes.

When I wear makeup, it's just for my Kpop covers, and when I just film funny videos of me. And when I do wear makeup, I do how the actual Kpop stars did it.

~ Your friend, Wraya <3

0 votes
by (156k points)
No. Well unless you count lip gloss. Then yes. I sometimes put on blush depending on what I'm doing. But not just everyday.
by (68.9k points)

Bro this is such a late response because I did not see this before, but that's literally me, I use lip gloss, but I don't use blush, I curl my eyelashes though!! I hope you see this, sorry for the 3 year late response!!

by (156k points)
I was literally 10 then and didn't wear any sort of makeup besides lip gloss.. Idk why I said I wear blush, I guess I just wanted to sound cool lol??

But now I wear foundation and mascara and that's it
0 votes
I do once in a while
by (68.9k points)

This is a really late response, sorryyy!! But I just wanted to say me too!

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