+10 votes
in Debate by
I might reveal my name in this post but I don’t believe in god for a number of reasons. Now I feel like I’m left out of a lot and I’m not good enough because I don’t believe in god. Help!
bruh same
by (17.3k points)
beleave in GOD he is real.
ago by
Belive. It is belive. Not beleave. Also I don't "beleave"
ago by (35.8k points)
oh, actually, its believe.

16 Answers

0 votes

Well, lemme say something. First, Christians--people who believe in Jesus--believe that whoever believes is granted eternal life.

Second: Blaise Pascal said,

     "If I wager that God is real, and I am right, I am granted eternal life. If I wager that God is real, and I am wrong, I lose nothing. If I wager that God is a myth, and I am wrong, I lose eternal life. If I wager that God is real, and I am wrong, I lose nothing"  (I paraphrased for clarification)

Third: there is proof that the Dead Sea scrolls were dated using carbon dating to be two thousand years old and were discovered in between 1947 and 1956. They had prophecies that came true (research it yourself) it could be a coincidence, but that is EXTREMELY unlikely.

Fourth: there is proof that a man names Jesus 2alked the earth saying he was the son of God (Research it yourself), because it is written in history books that aren't the Bible. It is up to you to decide if you believe that he was the son of God

That is my salvation testimony, I give it to you now, and I encourage you to research the facts.

Also, try reading the Gospel, for fun. See if anything helps you choose to believe or not.

The Bible is a history book the oldest in fact written by people who some whent over 800 years and I prefer to take advice from a 800 year old then a 80 year old if even.
by (87.2k points)

I have heard this before, the one that if you believe in god and he doesnt exist nothing will happen. But... i dont want to believe in something or someone just because if I dont I'll be punished. I know that sounds a little counterintuitive, but I want to beieve in something because I really believe in it 

You will not be punished for not believing in him but for rejecting him. But in the end every knee will bow and every tongue confess that he is God and there is no other.
by (87.2k points)
Maybe... but how am I rejecting him?? I just don't believe in him
If you say you will do somthing and someone say you can't do it, you will feel they do not believe in you. We were made for a relationship with God. You do not know the joy of the lord until you have found him and love him.
+2 votes
by (550k points)
I support you in not believing.
That is not what I believe at all.
GOD IS REAL  he made us
by (550k points)
nope! There is scientific evidence of evolution and the Bible says (or at least I think it says) evolution is just a bunch of bologna
by (14.6k points)
Lies. People who work in science stuff mostly believe in science and treat it as a false god or idol
Science is true, the Bible was altered, I don't want an argument.
by (14.6k points)
Science is only sometimes true and the Bible was written by Jesus’ disciples! If anything was altered, it was science!!!! And I will arrugue if I want to argue. You may NOT tell me what to do.  Also, I can see that you are not Christian, and for that… phooey.on.you!!!! You know what? I don’t even know wh I’m wasting my valuable time on you and not God! A Goodbye

1. Really rude.

2. Not everyone has a religion.

3. Yeah, but the Bible most people quote was changed back in the 1600s, so if anything. . .Jesus's disciples had something way different, so. . .

4. Who said I was telling you what to do, I just want to not argue.

5. Science never changes. That's. . .That's why it's science.

6. I could barely read this, there are spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes, (I don't want to be rude, I just always correct people, even if they are my friend.)

7. I do hope we can stay friends.

by (14.6k points)
I’m not trying to be rude. I just get worked up with religion stuff. Sorry.

We can most definitely still be friends but I don’t agree with almost of what you are saying
It's all fine. :)

We don't have to agree.
by (14.6k points)

emoticon-00100-smile Thanks

Can you please give me proof of etheism having happened.
I think you can't
+2 votes
Step 1: Listen to WGTS 91.9

Step 2: Read the Bible

Step 3: You now believe in god. Enjoy your new life!
That's not right. All through the Bible God tells us we have to choose to believe in Him, but we also have to work. We can't just say, "I believe in God," but not work to be like Him. Reading the Bible is great, but that will not get you to Heaven. It helps though.
by (156k points)
We don't have to work for anything. If we believe that Jesus died on the cross, rose again the third day, and went back to heaven we can pray a prayer to get saved.
Turtles, I agree with you for the most part,and I'm not saying that you need to work to be saved. Once your saved your saved if you believe. Shouldn't you try to work on your relationship with him ? I mean the more you read your bible the closer you feel to him if your a Christian. Shouldn't you try to work on your relationship with God ? Like prayer, bible reading.
by (156k points)
Yeah sorry. I meant you don't have to do all these good works in public.
by (14.6k points)
That’s not all you have to do Number block 21
+3 votes
Believing in evolution and the big bang is exhausting.  The faith it takes to buy into the religion is too much. Obviously space is fake and they lie about almost everything. Especially dinos. Look at how they mock us with the t Rex and those little arms.
by (1.34m points)

Obviously space is fake and they lie about almost everything.

Dang we're going into full on wacky territory there grin

by (13.6k points)
"Your done- no your done"
by (14.6k points)
God created the universe and space. It is so real!!
I think God creating us makes more sense than us coming from nothing.
True that they lie to us but they can in no way lie about the universe. But I think the dinos lived just not so long ago, it is wrighten In the bible about a leviathan described as a sea monster that is impossible to catch. Job 41:1
+4 votes
Uh so basicly I just want to say that you aren't good enough, but it isn't just you. We all don't deserve to go and be with God forever, but God showed us mercy, He decied to send His Son Jesus down to the earth to die for us. Jesus took on our punishment, now it is our choice to belive in Him or not. But we don't just get to heaven, and be with God forever by our good deeds. We are all sinners, so we all aren't perfect, and Gods standered is perfection, so Jesus died on the cross to make us clean. So basicly what I am saying is that you could be really good, but if you don't put your faith in Jesus, belive that He died on the cross, rose on the third day, and also amit that you are a sinner, you wont get to be with God forever. So just don't worrie about if you are good enough or not because the simple answer is that we all aren't.
by (15.6k points)
he is good enough!! even if you dont share the same opinion with others you can still support them!!i believe in christ, and i also believe in your own opinion and that even if your the worlds most serial killer, god can still love you!! Colossians 4:5 says to "Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders (i.e non-believers) and make the most of every opportunity." And think about John 3:16 "For God so loved the WORLD, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall never die, but have eternal life." We are ALL sinners, but we can change our ways. All that we have to do is take every opportunity we can to tell the world about God and that God loves everyone and that they are good enough!!
by (69.6k points)
Yeah I believe in him heck I'm on my way to church!
+3 votes

      Nobody will ever be good enough. I'm not good enough. But who is ! As Christians we have hope. We know that God is there for us and we are God's children  . He loves YOU. And he wants everyone to come to him :D. (I know it sounds hard to believe). I want you to read the book of John (Bible). You will see where we have our hope.    Truth is, I don't see how people can handle , when they die, they are going into nothingness. To us Christians we see that as people who are going into the burning fires of Hell .

If you want to become a Christian. There is a simple prayer you gotta pray, but FIRST you gotta realize two things.

  1. You are a Sinner
  2. You are in need of a Savior

Now pray, and say: Lord, I know that I have sinned, and I ask you to forgive my sins and come into my heart in Jesus's name , amen.

:D I mean every word I said.


I  agree with this answer.you did a great job by the way.
Wow, thank you. Hahhaha God gets the credit . :D
Thalia, I really admire your faith. I was wondering if you could start a club wherr a bunch of other christians share bible verses, prayer requests, and advice.
You know, that would be great ! We could use the bible birds. I haven't used it much lollz
by (14.6k points)
That would be awesome!!! I’ll join!!!!!
You put it beautiful. Thank you!

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