+2 votes
in Other by (165k points)
So I really want to ask for a kindle scribe for my birthday but I'm afraid my parents will think that's unnessairy bc It's really expensive but I have $500 bucks! I want a kindle scribe instead of a just a kindle bc I love to read and draw and on a kindle I could read,draw and listen to music! My 3 favs!

I just don't now how to convince my parents it nessicary for me to have a scribe?? Any tips on getting parents to let you do or have something??

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (90.4k points)
Best answer
OK this is what I do I want a 12.9" iPad but my dad said no so once I started middle school I wasn't doing so well in pre-algebra so if I did well on the next quiz I'd get the iPad! Just use a quiz or test to try and get your kindle scribe. (My quiz is coming up. Wish me luck!)
by (165k points)
Ok thanks!!! I'll do it!!

Hey r u new??
by (90.4k points)
No, you commented on my post I'm Fire Queen back from the ashes. Please call me Mel now!
by (165k points)
Yah! I'm so glad your back!!
0 votes
by (22.1k points)
Tell them that's all you want and you can pay for it
0 votes
If you've been a bad kid then tell them that I will be a good kid forever only if you give me whatever you want and they might say yes.
by (165k points)
Um yes I am the "bad kid" in the fam but that won't work. They would just say I should be good bc I'm suppose to. Thanks tho! If you have an suggest on what should I ask for that would be helpful!

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