+2 votes
in Boys Advice Column by
Ngl i have no likeable qualities that could get me a gf. I kinda upheld a relationship with an unofficial gf from july to February. I asked her to be my valentine and she said yes but she told me she had another valentine. She was a two timer so we broke up :/. I will not specify my age but i am nearing puberty. Idk when it will hit me, but it will. Im a nerd who plays alot of video games. I play flag football, and i am learning boxing. I can strike up a conversation here easily but in real life, here’s how my conversation goes with a girl i just met:

Me: hello, how are you doing?

Girl: good.

Me: *complete silence as I akwardly look around*

Me: *brainstorming in my head what to say*

Me: hey do you like video games

Girl: i dont play much.

Me: okay.

Me: *more akward looking around and more complete silence*

My dad: alright well we have to go. Tell your friend bye.

Me: bye

Girl: bye

And thats how the conversation goes. I don’t want a gf rn but in a year or two i wont wanna be alone or anything probably. Now that i realize it, i probably wont need one or want one for like 3 years. This was a little pointless since i will change by then.

Im gonna ask my mom if i can watch Cobra Kai on Netflix now

Hey, I’m a girl, forgive me, but I have GREAT advice for u cuz I understand girls. Alright u know what? BE YOURSELF. It sounds cheesy but it’s actually what u should do. Go up to the girl, be bold, and say:

Hey, (girls name). Do you like me?

Girl- _______ idk what she’ll say (she’l prob deny it but either way)

you- Ok, well, i kinda like u. You wanna try it, see how it goes? (PLAY IT COOL BUT BE URSELF)

Girl- way she’ll react #1= uhhhhhh ok……?

#2 Ok! -looks really excited-

#3 Um no. (Hopefully this doesn’t happen, but u never no so be prepared for rejection.)

So yeah! Good luck!

2 Answers

+1 vote
I'm a trans dude (bigender male and nb) so I don't really know if my advice is helpful (most people on here wouldn't consider me a guy at all), but here you go.

As someone who's dated multiple girls (and guys), my simplest advice to you is to not rush it. Someone will come in due time, but you forcing yourself to strike up conversation with people you barely know will only make you seem awkward and desperate to them.

Also, most relationships (key word MOST), especially in elementary/middle school won't last long. As someone in there mid-middle school years, I can confirm that there's a lot of drama between people on whether someone is dating another person or not and its just a giant mess. Most middle/elementary relationships are overly dramatic for no reason and they only last about 3 months at most. You can always try, but like I said they are typically very short-lived.

That's really all I've got. Good luck :)

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)
Ty for the info
+1 vote
by (126k points)
A word of advice: if you’re actively seeking for a girlfriend you might find one. But the relationship won’t last. And maybe that’s not what you’re looking for, I don’t know. But the best relationships are the ones that come naturally brought on by fate. So just don’t push it and it’ll work out. (Yes Nordic, I know that saying.)
Thx Duke you are probably the best guy that could give advice here on a post like this. You have like 10 girls that want to date you at all times probably lol
by (126k points)
My thanks.


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