+6 votes
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Ok so I I go to a gym and swim meet class thing IDK what to call it.

And there every tuesday kids 9 - 13 go there. every wednesday kids over 13 go.

I have a crush that used to go there. (she got too old) Her name is Cecilia. She is 14

I am 12 (almost 13) (Male)

We barely know each other and we havent seen each other in a while.

So pretend shes a stranger.

She has a sister that gos on tuesday.

At the end of the class, she gos to pick her up.

she very briskly walks to get her.

And that is the only way i can meet her.

Please. PLEASE GUYS! Help me make a plan to be friends with her.

What can i say that has the highest chance to be friends?

I'd ask her out but im only 12. Thats another problem.

So I want to be friends with her for now and then hopefully date her later.

She does not have much time when picking the younger sister up.

I was thinking about waiting for her then approach her then saying hi then asking if she goes to wendnesday class and then end the conversation with : " Ok, you seem short on time.If you want, I'd like to stay in touch with you and get to know you better. Maybe we can be friends!"

Is that good to say?

Is there something better to say?

Can someone rephrase it if its bad?

Am I a creep for that?

Or should I say I like her romanticly?

by (5.3k points)
Be yourself, don't get nervous. Take baby steps if it helps. I have a wife after all.
Ok, so what are those baby steps.?

And did you read the thing im gonna tell her?

Is it ok? Will it work?
by (5.3k points)
Be yourself.

9 Answers

0 votes
I can't help with this cuz I have similar issues but the girl version.
0 votes
by (161k points)
Seriously though,

You should take it this way:

GravityCentered’s step-by-step process:

(First week or two) STEP 1: do a bit of small talk when you see her. Discuss topics that may be of interest to both of you (do NOT assume she likes painting nails, or wearing high heels or dresses.).

(Third week) STEP 2: ask to be friends. Do not ask for her number.

(fourth week and fifth week) STEP 3: try to get in close with her friends. It will help affirm that you want to be friends. If it doesn’t work, try…

ALT STEP 3: Try playing a video game or board game with her and one of your younger friends (younger so she doesn’t get attracted to another kid).

(Sixth week) STEP 4: ask for her number. This one is obvious.

(Seventh-ninth week) STEP 5: get closer and closer with her progressively. Do this to secure your bond and to get ready for the next step.

(Tenth week) STEP 6: ask if she wants to go bowling, or another activity she enjoys (ex. Sports or whatever she likes, it should be known because of the small talk from step 1.). This will act as sort of a precursor to a date.

(Eleventh week) STEP 7: ask her out.

Those are my 7 steps.

Wow. You really crushed this answer! Amazing! This is exactly what I wanted!

I do have some questions though.

I'm 12 (nearing 13) and shes 14. Should I really ask her out? I think she may say no bc were too young!

And how can I boot me confidence? Because whenever I see her, I just am too scared to talk to her! Because I feel like I need a reason to, and she is little more attractive than me, AND shes a bit taller. Please reply! you're like my inside man lol.

Please don't end this like Nayeon did.......

But bro thanks so much for the reply (YOU EVEN HAD AN ALT STEP!!!)

by (161k points)
Hmmmm… ok.

She’s taller than you. Usually i crush on girls like my same height.

Also more attractive?

Go on a charm offensive once you reach tenth week.

Don’t get all romantic.

Stay in the friend zone until week 12.

When puberty hits, you should be around the same height as her.

Im gonna sound like a nerd doctor here, but this will help with the attractiveness problem.

Also, in the mornings and at night, try washing your face (with water only, but do it thoroughly) to give it a more smooth and refined look.

Brush your hair daily. Dont take 3 hours, just take less than 30 seconds to comb it well. Dont use gel, it’ll make you look like some nerd. Keep it looking natural, so dont comb thoroughly.

Also try to take good care of your teeth, mine are absolutely crazy, and i dont keep em too clean, but i do advertise a company with my smile. It works pretty well. Keep your teeth white and shiny, make sure to keep em clean by brushing them to where they’re white, and to where there’s no bits in your teeth (I recommend flossing and/or using mouthwash).

Keep your clothing casual. Try not to wear buttoned up shirts unless it’s church or another place that you would wear buttoned up shirts. Wear something like a sports jersey or a shirt with some random logo on it (im literally wearing a hoodie for my local college rn lol).

Shoes, it doesn’t really matter. Just dont wear the same pair every day and make sure the shoes you’re wearing is clean.

Shorts will be fine. Something like regular black athletic shorts will be good.

Talk about some of your interests. For example: tv shows.

Ex. You wanna talk about cobra kai or something for example. Start slow.

Dont go all:


Just ask what her favorite movies and shows are, to start out.

Anyways, im here if you need me, man.

Thank you so much!

Puberty has already hit though....

And I have good clothes, I have braces, and I do wash my face (but only in the morning) Does washing your face really help? I did not seem to for me.
I am sure that we will need to talk again soon.

BTW in case you didn't know, I am Shred's younger brother.

I don't have an account yet.

I am renaming my self to Shred Jr. that is me from now on.

Thank you again!!

by (161k points)
Anyways man, can i just call you shreds? Shred is for big bro, shreds is for little bro.

Also, just let puberty do its thing. Your body will grow very shortly.

Also, washing your face thoroughly in the mornings with water will definitely make a difference. And technically speaking, you wash your face every day in the shower.

Trust me, there’s a difference.

I can gently rub my fingers across my face without it feeling like a million bumps. My face is smooth, most likely because i wash my face (or maybe its because of my men’s 3 in 1 idk).

Also, your brother is a rizzachad (mix of rizz master, aka rizzard, and mix of gigachad.). He should be able to give you pretty good advice on this type of stuff.

I used to have an unofficial GF. We actually had a pretty good relationship up until February, when we broke up. Turns out, she liked me first.

Im not THAT attractive, or that tall for a matter of fact, but i do have advice to give.
Sure, you can call me shreds!

I am 5,6 at almost 13 years old... No surprise though bc shred is like over 6 ft lol

And my brother has lots of stress on his own girl stuff... he is planning to ask out his friend... (I think he need some advice tbh). Thats why I haven't asked him.

Lot's of girls like him, but he only likes one, and since shes like his only crush, he has a hard time around her. And yeah lol I can confirm he is a rizzachad

My bro does not know that i'm doing this advice stuff yet.

also, sorry about that girl thing (second last paragraph), I feel for you. (I ALMOST TYPED I FELL FOR YOU)

Ok, well thanks for being here for me when I need help.

by (161k points)
Shreds ... is this girl like 6 foot

Also you fell for me- jk

The breakup wasn’t that tuff honestly (i know its spelt tough)
by (116k points)
but you dont know how to spell though lol

ah and the girl is like 2-3 inches more i think.... I'm probably totally off
by (161k points)
Still, the girl is massive




0 votes
by (28.9k points)
Okay here's the easiest way to get to her because friends with her sister because it looks like you're both in the same age group become close friends so that you'll get to go over to her house more often than you'll get to see your crush and beyond good terms with her since your crush is older than you if it doesn't go as to plan and you don't end up with her you still have the younger sister as a friend or maybe something more
by (790k points)

off topic but

Youre littearly named after a Norwegian-American Book Character

*aggresive Nordic fangirl laugh*

by (122k points)
Ole and Lena is basically littearly the childhood of 95% of Scandinavian-American Kids


Sven is the best character
by (790k points)
by (965k points)
Then I’m the 5%… :(
by (790k points)

my friend is Danish-American and basically she loves Ole and Lena

I live under a rock
by (965k points)
I live under a deeper rock, unless it’s Apple products. Then I’ll be glad to give you a quiz on iPhones.
by (790k points)
I am from the 1800s
0 votes
by (260 points)

im so late man but I wanted to answer I felt left outshrugging Look dawg don't freak out what you said was cool dude and plus I don't see anything wrong wit it thats actually good compared to what I said- anyways- I cant read her mind and neither can you but its best to wait and take time like everyone else sayin i believe in you and you gotta not be so alarmed because it will cause you to confuse your word you gotta be cofident and ngl but no is better than getting hit like yeah it sucks but youll find someone new bro but like bro if she says yes we outta know.rock

Thanks for the answer!

But don't you think ist weird to ask someone at 12 years old and 14?

Were both kinda young........

So I was thinking to be just friends now.

And get as close as possible, then date her.

And I am very afraid that while we're friends, she will get a boy friend.

How long should I wait until I ask her out?

Also, how do I not get friend zoned by her?

Thank you again, and please reply!
+1 vote
Very easy. Just whenever you feel less nervous, just do it. say hi. Ask few things about her. Then ask 'can we be friends'? When You're friends, after few days, ask her for her number. GET CLOSER DAY BY DAY. One day, when You're as close  with her that you dont even feel nervous To ask her Out, just ask her out.
Yeah but i'm afraid shes gonna date someone before its the right time to ask her out. I'm 12. Shes 14. By the time i'm even the appropiate age to get a gf, she'll most likely be with somone else. You are a big help! Thank you for the respose! And please reply! I'd like to ask more questions.
Are you here Clara?
+2 votes
by (214k points)
Considering the age gap and that you guys aren't friends yet, I would definitely not start the conversation by confessing your love. The thing you said you're gonna tell her honestly sounds pretty good.

I'm not really sure if there's anything better to say, but if I was in your position, here's what I would say after asking about Wednesday class, "Also, I know you don't have a lot of time, but I'd like to stay in touch with you and get to know you better!" Saying you want to be friends isn't really necessary, since you are already implying that!

I don't think you're a creep for that. If someone said that to me, I would be happy to talk to them and make a new friend.

And NO. Do not say you like her romantically. With the age gap and everything, I think no, BUT you guys could become really good friends. You can make your own decisions about it, but the best thing would be for you to just become friends.

Also, take this in mind that she may not want to talk to you. Not everyone is friendly and wants to talk. I don't know her personally so I'm not saying she's a bad person, but you always have to prepare for the worst.
Thank you very much for the long answer.

I agree that I should not say "I wana be friends" Since its obvious.

Today is tuesday, so I went to the class, and when it was done, and I waited for her to pick the lil sister up, but her dad pick her up! Very odd.

So imagine shes briskly walking to pick up the sister.

What should I say and do in detail from start to finish that will have the highest chance for us to start being friends?

Thanks again for the reply!
by (137k points)
There are just some situations where I wish there was stockfish in real life too.
by (214k points)
My brain is too tired atm to think something up, but I'll try to answer when I'm more awake!
Ok. Lets make a detailed plan together. Please dont forget! Your may be helping me get my future wife!  (We will have to chat back and forth)
are you ready?
by (116k points)

Edit: Ah I forgot to log out.

HELP ME!!! is my lil bro lol
Are you there? Did you forget?
by (214k points)
No, I didn't forget. I'm just not in the mood atm, sorry!
Ok sorry for annoying you. How about you message me when your ready to plan.
by (116k points)
Please start before tuesday though.
Nayeon! Its Tuesday! HEEEELP!

by (214k points)

Sorry I was at school! I didn't expect to not have time last night but then I slept 12 hoursT_T


Sigh..... her dad picked the sister up again.

IDK what to do.

When I'm 13, I can go to the Wednesday class and see her hopefully.

But I'm afraid she'll get a bf before I date her.

But I'm not giving up.

How do you think I can work this out?T_T


Nayeon, i'ts been another week!

I have to leave in an hour!!!

WHY CANT YOU HELP MEcry_smilecry_smilecry_smile

I know your active!

by (214k points)

I can't be active during school T_T

by (116k points)
Please just help!
+2 votes
by (137k points)
That's a pretty big gap, she may think you're too immature just because of your age. I'd just back down, there wouldn't be any hope for me.
+2 votes
by (161k points)
Walk up to her and confess your love-

Im jk.

I have no idea what you should do. Ask nobi, shes a pretty good help.
Yeah I wish i was older then I would just ask her out...

So where is Nobi?
by (530k points)
I'm not really good at relationship advice, but no, you shouldn't go up to her and confess your love.

Also, I'm Nobi x3
+2 votes
by (550k points)
Just ask her sister if the one u want to  become friends with wants to talk to u. Go from there.
But Its kinda weird. She is basically a stranger (the crush AND sister but sister not so much).

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