+6 votes
in Debate by (214k points)

Explain why you think God is real/not real and debate (nicely) about it!

13 Answers

0 votes
by (116k points)
I am a proud Christian. There is absolutely no evidence of evolution and people are constantly finding more proof of the bible.
by (206k points)
by (530k points)
Can we please just not assume, as if a fact, that there isn't any proof of evolution?
That's the problem I have with some Christians. They say that there is not any proof whatsoever of evolution happening, and they "debunk" most scientific things.

If you guys want people who believe in science to stop doing this to you (because, as you are finding more proof of the bible, we are finding more proof of evolution), then stop doing this to other people.

And, as Sloth suggested, every religion is valid and may all coexist at the same time, even one based on science (which I guess would be atheism).

Just because you see more proof in your religion and seemingly none in science doesn't mean that science is wrong and evolution is wrong. If that was the case, people would have every reason to not believe in the bible (if they were not a devout Christian) because nothing in there makes sense to them, and therefore make Christianity out to be wrong.

All I'm saying is, going back and forth between which is wrong and which is right is tiring, and all it causes is frustration on both sides. The other side is always going to find a reason to make their opinion valid, when in reality, both opinions are valid, because it is valid to THAT PERSON. As long as no one is hurting anyone, the opinion is valid.

The other side isn't going to change the opposing side's mind, because both are concrete in their opinion.

All these debates are based off opinions.

That's all I wanted to say, though I probably forgot some things that I wanted to say x3
We actually have proof that God exists, you on the other hand have no proof that evolution ever happened.
by (530k points)

Listen, I'm just not going to talk to you because you seem very narrow-minded, and I get frustrated with people like that, so I'm going to avoid talking to you about anything that is religious or political.

It doesn't mean we can't be friends, it means that we will have to stay away from that topic, because we keep telling each other the same thing and we're getting nowhere.
by (206k points)
R U mad at me
by (530k points)
I'm not mad at anyone, I'm just frustrated, which is stupid because this is a stupid thing to be affected by.

The comment wasn't directed at you, though, GK.
Well no offense but you really haven't told me anything about evolution so you really can't say that.
by (530k points)
0 votes
by (59.0k points)
Yes he is
0 votes
by (206k points)
Hes real.
0 votes
by (24.1k points)
God is real
0 votes
yes. there is no other explanation, we could not have evolved no mater what scientists say. humans have a conscience and that could not have evolved out of anything. also there is proof that he parted the red sea. there have been evidence of a whole army of chariot like coral growing in the only part where the Israel could have crossed where there is a natural highway, the other areas are to rough and hilly.
by (206k points)
+2 votes
I have already commented on another site about this subject so I will be brief. God is a real being. There is actually scientific facts about this. For instance, when man landed on the moon, they expected there to be more moon dust than there really was. That's because the earth's not as old as they make it seem.

In the royal order of the Lion,

by (965k points)
You do realize that the moon was created because an object the size of Mars hit Earth and the debris bundled up to form the moon…
Could u pls tell me where u got this info?
by (965k points)
Online. Not Wikipedia. I think it’s Astronomy or something.

Where did you get YOUR info from?
My science book and my parents and the Bible.
by (965k points)
I understand the last two, but the first one? Your science book?
My school science book
by (155k points)
…do you go to a catholic school or something along the lines of that?
Do you know how easy it is to lie to people these days because whatever the scientist say is real or happened is instantly exapted. Do NOT believe everything you read, think how or when it could have happened.
by (530k points)
Why are you telling people to not believe everything you read when you LITERALLY base your facts off of the bible?
No I tell them and you to think about it before you accept it.
I don't base all my fact off the bible. I Wright facts that actually make sense.
by (530k points)
It's hard to trust someone's facts when they can't even spell things correctly most of the time.
by (116k points)
elo it is scientifically impossible for the moon to have been formed in the way you are describing and besides there is no evidence of that either its just the best they could htink of that makes sense since they refuse to believe the bible.
by (965k points)
It’s a THEORY, just like GOD. The Mars-sized object is the theory I believe in.
God is not a theory, there is proof that he exists unlike evolution. ehem
by (155k points)
Knowledge yeeted out the window

Reading this stuff makes me lose my mind

How are people so ignorant
by (530k points)

Sloth being a relatable person forever—

+2 votes
by (132k points)
I am a proud Christian, and I believe in God. But that is my opinion and don't  want to be all like "God is real and your opinion doesn't matter".
by (790k points)
W Christian (im Christian too)
+2 votes
by (965k points)
No. After all, Homo sapiens didn’t come until 200,000 years ago and assuming that God is a Homo sapiens and assuming that he is a few billion years old, that would make no sense. Also, how can someone create an entire universe out of nothing? And us? We aren’t. We come from evolution (and women). Y’all who deny evolution, it’s literally happening right now. You just don’t notice it. (Also because it’s extremely slow)

But at the same time, the Big Bang is a theory, not the answer. So there could be another way our universe (I believe in a multiverse) was created, but I don’t believe that God did it.
Could u pls give me an example of evolution that's happening now????!‍‍⚕
by (965k points)
Us. We are evolving right now.

(My autocorrect wanted to correct “Us” to “U.S.”)
Pls explain to to me what we r evolving into. I rly don't understand. When my Great Grandmother died, I didn't see her in her coffin looking like an ape!
by (530k points)

We evolved from apes, we're not evolving into them.

by (530k points)
And also, we were apes millions of years ago. Your great grandmother is not millions of years old.
So nobi, can u give me an example of evolution happening right now??
by (530k points)
Like I stated, evolution happens over millions of years. It happens very slowly, therefore I cannot give you any visible proof that it's happening right this moment, because I do not have the tools for that. I am no scientist.
by (155k points)
Evolution happens over BILLIONS of years… you cant show evolution happening right now, but you can prove the evolution that happened billions of years ago.
First of all God has no beginning and no end God is unmeasurable, God is no homo sapiens also God created time itself, before that there was no time. we can NOT compare God to a creation he himself made. to your other question how could he have created use out of nothing, God is all power full and can do the impossible, also i think you just proved that WE could not have come out of NOTHING. And no there is no climate change that is normal weather, if you actually think about it you will notice they are trying to take a natural happening and frighten you. i mean whats not frightening about the earth moving into the sun.har
by (530k points)
No one said the earth is moving closer to the sun.
In fact, according to a site called LiveScience, it's moving farther away.

Please educate yourself on this.
i heard different, but how is that not scary. also i was not serious.
exactly you have no proof that evolution is actually happening or did happen.
What about the Bible?!?!? The Bible is proof!
by (530k points)
You have no proof that God is real other than the bible.

Many Christians practiced science. Please don't bring up the lack of proof, because in terms of that, we have more proof than the bible does.
no you actually dont. there is tones of proof that God exists i just dont have the will to type it all down if it wont help you but feel free to ask. there is no proof that the big bang theory happened or of anything else they say. and if there is enlighten me.
by (530k points)
There is proof, but I don't feel like typing it down.

I think that instead of trying to disprove science, you should study it.
i study science i just dont read it and accept everything that they think happened, i try to think about how it could have happened and go from there. i have not come up with any way that the big bang could have happened or that we could have come from apps. i suggest that you do your research before you type.

they have no proof that we came from apps. the bones they did find where later found to be either bones from a animal or a dead HUMAN that suffered from a disease.
by (530k points)
I have done my research, science makes sense, please do not suggest that I haven't done any research.

You cannot prove that the Big Bang isn't real just as you say we cannot prove that it is. You know why? Because none of us were there. But if we go by that, please do not say that it isn't real, because you weren't there and nor were I.
by (965k points)
guys can we agree to disagree

by the way pineapple belongs on pizza
by (530k points)



by (965k points)
Ah, yes. Get Pizzalover44 and pour a giant bucket of pineapple on her.
Can you please tell me how the big bang happened if there was absolutely nothing anywhere, and if there was where did it come from other than from God.

Um, is no one concerned that they are telling us that we are moving closer and farther away from the sun. Just saying. 

+3 votes
by (114k points)
My opinion is god isnt real bc there is no scientific evidence of him ever being on earth. Also, how could humans just randomly come out of thin air
God was never on earth. he created humans out of the clay (not literate clay). exactly how could anything come out of nothing. God the being with no beginning and no end created everything. he has always bin and always will be.
Ur right! God Himself was never on earth, just His Son! Can u pls tell me who u r?
O.cool! I hope that u stay on KT for a .long time! Also, u might want to start using ur username so people know who u r!
i doubt any of you know me but thanks for the info.
+3 votes
by (206k points)
If Earth was created by the Big Bang then we were all an accident. If we were created by a God we were made on purpose. God loves us. I like to think there is a reason I'm here.
by (790k points)
the big bang never happened, there is no scientific proof.
me too

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