+15 votes
in Harry Potter Club by (90.2k points)
1. What was your favorite HP book?

2. Would you play Quidditch for England, Ireland, or Bulgaria?

3. Would you have a cat, dog, owl, rat, or phoenix for a pet?

4. Would you be the Minister of Magic, a reporter for the Daily Phrophet, or Headmaster of Hogwarts?

5. Would you go to school in Hogwarts, Ivermony, Durmstrang, or Beauxbatons?

6. Would you be a beater, chaser, keeper, seeker, or captain?

7. What is your favorite Quidditch ball?

8. What is your favorite magical creature?

9. Who is your favorite HP character?

10. Would you work at The Three Broomsticks, Honeydukes, or Zonko's Joke Shop?

Here is how I would answer them:

1. 1st one

2. England

3. Phoenix

4. Reporter for the Daily Prophet

5. Ivermony

6. Seeker

7. Golden Snitch

8. Unicorn

9. Hermione

10. Honeydukes

6 Answers

+2 votes
by (11.0k points)

1. What was your favorite HP book?

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

2. Would you play Quidditch for England, Ireland, or Bulgaria?


3. Would you have a cat, dog, owl, rat, or phoenix for a pet?

Owl owl

4. Would you be the Minister of Magic, a reporter for the Daily Phrophet, or Headmaster of Hogwarts?

I'd be a reporter for the Daily Prophet.

5. Would you go to school in Hogwarts, Ivermony, Durmstrang, or Beauxbatons?


6. Would you be a beater, chaser, keeper, seeker, or captain?


7. What is your favorite Quidditch ball?

Golden snitch.

8. What is your favorite magical creature?


9. Who is your favorite HP character?

Luna, Ginny, and Hermione.

10. Would you work at The Three Broomsticks, Honeydukes, or Zonko's Joke Shop?

Zonko's Joke Shop.

+2 votes
by (29.5k points)

1. What was your favorite HP book?

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban.

2. Would you play Quidditch for England, Ireland, or Bulgaria?


3. Would you have a cat, dog, owl, rat, or phoenix for a pet?

Cat grin-cat

4. Would you be the Minister of Magic, a reporter for the Daily Phrophet, or Headmaster of Hogwarts?

I'd be a reporter for the Daily Prophet.

5. Would you go to school in Hogwarts, Ivermony, Durmstrang, or Beauxbatons?


6. Would you be a beater, chaser, keeper, seeker, or captain?


7. What is your favorite Quidditch ball?

Golden snitch.

8. What is your favorite magical creature?


9. Who is your favorite HP character?

Minerva McGonagall and Hermione Granger.

10. Would you work at The Three Broomsticks, Honeydukes, or Zonko's Joke Shop?

The Three Broomsticks.

+2 votes
by (967k points)
  1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. (the last book)
  2. I guess Ireland? I don’t think I have any Bulgarian in me or English, but I know I have a tiny bit of Irish.
  3. A phoenix.
  4. The Minister of Magic so that I can make a good impact.
  5. Hogwarts!
  6. Seeker.
  7. The golden snitch.
  8. Centaurs seem pretty cool. So do hippogriffs. (my teacher got bit by a hippogriff before, that’s proof that the Wizarding World is real)
  9. Sirius Black.
  10. Zonko’s Joke Shop!
+1 vote
by (156k points)



Minister of magic



Golden snitch



+2 votes
  1. Book 2 
  2. I wouldn't play Quiditch . For any country I'd start my own team
  3. Dog, Owl or Phoenix!
  4. Reporter for the Daily Prophet
  5. Hogwarts
  6. None
  7. ???
  8. I can't choose
  9. NOT Harry, I think it would be nellville,Hermione, or Luna though I hardly have read her
  10. Zonko's
+2 votes
by (45.3k points)
  1.  7th
  2.  England!
  3.  Phoenix
  4.  Headmaster!!
  5.  Hogwarts
  6.  Seeker/Captain (Like HP)
  7.  Snitch
  9.  Hermione or Luna 
  10.  Three Broomsticks- BUTTERBEER EVERYDAY BRO


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