0 votes
in Other by (5.5k points)

me needs therian friends


I dunno what else to say-

just tell me if you are and we can talk :3
by (120 points)
Hello! I'm a Therian and I also don't have a friend. I haven't come out to my dad yet, and I feel like I need a friend to talk to. Nobody in my school is like me, alterhuman or furry and they all think im a freak. If unable for us to become friends, no sweat. I'm sure I can find someone elsewhere ❤️
P.S. I am twelve and live in Utah
Have a great day! ❣️

10 Answers

0 votes
I would :3
0 votes
I would love to be your friend I am 12 and I’m a therian
0 votes
i would love to be you fwend :3 or talk (: im bi btw just to put it out there :D call me saphira or my nickname ashley people got me mixed up and started calling me ashley lol
0 votes
im 10 i live in Canada and I'm looking for some friends
0 votes
by (22.1k points)
What's a therain
A therian is someone who experiances involintary inhuman feelings/thoughts/urges.
by (119k points)
A therian is a kid who believes they were a less intelligent being like an animal in their past life. They walk around on their hands and knees and bark like dogs.
by (529k points)
At first I thought that you were Lambo, and I was like:

"Wow, I didn't know Lambo could be such a jerk like her brother!"

Then I double checked the username. I knew it wasn't Lambo. She's the nice one :/
by (119k points)
What did I say that was offensive? I literally just described what a therian is. Nothing wrong with that.
by (529k points)
The comment about "believing they were less intelligent beings" and "walking around on their hands and knees and bark like dogs"

First, animals can actually be really smart, and second, dogs aren't the only think they think they are :/

Your comment just sounded rude in general. I dunno, it may just be me, or the fact that I know you say passive aggressive stuff about things you think are weird all the time.
ago by (120 points)
Are/were animals. Some believe in past lives and some don't. Others may believe in them but don't have them.

Along with that, I agree that many animals are very intelligent beings. Think of crows, who can tell the difference between literal poison and no poison plants and animals. They can recognize faces and tell the difference between litter/nonuseful things and useful things.

Also think of predators. They find the perfect spot to hide and predict when the prey is going to move, then it lores them closer and kills.

Honestly more than I've ever done in my life. Stuck in a house with a bunch of kids, no friends, and a single father who doesn't know what a Therian is and is later day saints or whatever it is called(no offense)

But, some animals can just be floof brained sometimes. Like my dog Louie! ?

We do multiple vocals including roars, neighs, hisses, barks, howls, meows, etc etc

And some Therians are actually very unique in their theriotypes. Not going to explain it because this comment is already too long, but if youRead all of this congrats! You just heard me rant about something I don't even know why I am ranting about my ADHD just told me to so whatever. :P

Have a good day or I will send you to Jesus.
+1 vote
by (32.9k points)
Nobody shall speak the t-word since the War...
by (161k points)
by (529k points)
V   i   e   t   n   a   m       f   l   a   s   h   b   a   c   k   s
by (966k points)
LET’S GO NACCIM IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!! (Now we have three to four techies on here)
by (32.9k points)
i never did leave

i was just inactive for a week because I was grounded for not being in a school video
by (529k points)
Why would your parents ground you for that—
by (966k points)
That sounds incredibly dumb of your parents there.
by (550k points)
Agreed. Being grounded for that is like The Blaze Rods being mad at Jesse's group for finding the enchanted flint and steel because 'Jesse's group always gets the good stuff. '

Like bruh

Episode 5 season 1 mcsm reference
0 votes
I like Therians and Furries :D I'm not one, but I wish I was. I just feel like I'm human, though sometimes when I'm alone I like to pretend I'm a cute cat girl who is the girlfriend of  Shxtou XD

(I mean I do have a crush on him~ Such a cute Vietnamese Doggo~)
by (114k points)


idk why ppl want to be therians...

No offense, but isn’t that exactly what you did that made you become one, as most people? I understand you guys feel your born with it but doesn’t that make you want to participate in that stuff?

I mean no harm I just really don’t get it at all.
by (114k points)
we don't chose to be a therian.

we just are one.
According to your old posts you used to dislike your therian friends. I’m just confuzzled
0 votes
I’m a therian, do you think we can be friends?  :DD
0 votes
by (230k points)
Well, Adi is a therian, so maybe PM her :D
0 votes
by (114k points)


by (5.5k points)
YYYAAAASSSS (sorry this is like 5 years late :p)

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