+3 votes
in Girls' Advice Column by (2.7k points)
So a few ppl saw that I made a project Abt how I was starting to form a crush on my guy best friend and how literally that Friday I had my last dance of middle school. Here's how it went since I was gone for a while...

Ok guys so I was falling for this guy who was NOT my type. The entire grade keeps on tryna get him to ask me to the dance and we act cool Abt it. He literally has never been to a school dance (mine does twice every year) so I kinda already knew that he wasn't gonna ask me and I kinda just accepted that.

So one of his friends likes one of mine. Trail Mix says he will ask me to the dance if his friend asks mine. Our friend's have each others' numbers and texted that night to arrange it to where they would go together and not do anything just so we could go. That same night, my friend gets Trail Mix's number from his friend and gives it to me. We then start chatting and whatever. This man sends me the most interesting texts... I will put some sample ones that happened next:

Him: I am in a bad mood right now

Me: Oh I'm sorry

Him: I just can't go to the dance... But don't let that stop u from having a great time

Me: Thx and sorry

Ok so at that point I kinda feel bad cuz it kinda sounded like he knew I wanted him to ask me so he was apologizing that he couldn't. I felt horrible for him but later that night when I was Abt to go to bed (this is the night before the dance btw), he sends a photo that shows he paid to get to the dance. I get more excited which quickly turns to nerves and he tells me not to tell anyone. So I don't.

The next day, Trail Mix decided to go to the bathroom at the same time as me to get out of my Spanish class. He came up to me and asked "Since I can go now, wanna go with me to the dance?" I was already suspecting it so I went with a giggle and "Sure why not?". So there. It was official. Trail Mix and I were going to the dance. He still told me to not tell anyone since everyone else thought he was not gonna be able to go. After school... man it gets crazy...

So the whole day I am nervous and can't even eat. After school tho he texts me and is like "Are you ready?" and in my little brain I'm like "HECK NAH MAN!!" but I say the exact opposite. It does in deed get worse but just wait.

So my dress is STUNNING!! Def the best dress to end the middle school dances with. It is light blue, body tight, short, poofy sleeves, soooo cute!! So I automatically get more nervous as I have a more attractive dress on with a guy ya know? But hey we are going for it. (I tried to be as kid-friendly as possible pls don't report <3)

Anyways I am doing my makeup and hair and getting ready when he asks what I'm wearing and I send a screenshot cuz I don't really wanna send him a photo of myself that he could literally keep. And he says "You look good in anything ngl." And this is when I literally DROP THE CRUSH. I turn to being uncomfortable and grossed out ya know? I mean... I didn't like this guy that much in the first place and he was already staring at me? I mean this isn't that big of a deal until what happens next...

So I had a school play a month or so back for High School Musical (my all-time favorite movie <33) and I was a cheerleader. These skirts for the outfit were soooooo short like omggg. So yeah he then texts me "Don't take this the wrong way but..." I pause and am like... BRO IM ABT TO TAKE IT THE WRONG WAY!! Ok the rest of it says "...you really rocked that cheerleader look in the play it looked really good" And my mind just goes to that he was staring at my butt the whole time *dies*. So yeah that happened...

I arrive at the dance and am sooo stressed my stomach hurts and I low-key try to ignore he is there *death*. But obviously a slow song comes on and I am with my friends and then my zesty bestie grabs my hand and drags me over to him where he man-handles me to grab my arm and walk me out to the dance floor and we start dancing. We are soooooo far apart that I could have had a whole other person in between us. I guess that's what I wanted but it ended up making it look super awkward.

I am just tryna smile as I see kids I don't even know videoing and taking photos of me and a huge circle forms around us as the entire middle school is watching us. He is talking to me and I have NO CLUE WHAT THE HECK HE IS SAYING!! So I just nod my head and smile. Then all of a sudden he starts SINGING THE SONG and it was soooo weird and OMG I am scarred. At the end of the song, he grabs my hand and makes us BOW IN FRONT OF THE CROWD!! Like what the heck is that bro?? I am sooo done but no no it gets way worse...

That is luckily the only song we danced to. However, my friends and I were getting photos done and he comes over and is like, "Wanna take a photo?" And I can't say "no" so here I go and ya know what he wants us to do?? HAND HEARTS!! HE HAS ONE HALF, I HAVE THE OTHER!! WHAT THE HECK!!

Ok yeah and what scares me is that that could get into the yearbook and stay there forever...

Ok it's all said and done and he texts me saying he just wants to be friends and I have a special place in his heart and blah blah blah. Ok I feel this HUGE weight lifted off of my shoulders cuz I was gonna have to tell him that we were gonna have to be just friends. I was NOT Abt to go thru a relationship with this guy I am soooooo over him.

So the same guy that told me he wanted to be friends proceeded to send me the most interesting texts after the dance that night...

Him: You know, you do something with your eyes that scares me

Me: What do I do? XD

Him: Like I can't stare at you straight without thinking of doing something dumb

Him: I don't mean it in a rude way

Him: But you got like a love stare yk?

Me: Oh wow lol I never knew

Him: It's kinda scary in a way

BRUH WHAT DO YOU MEAN "LOVE STARE" MR. "I JUST WANNA BE FRIENDS"???? Yeah def am creeped out more than have a crush at this point. Any feeling I had r gone.

2 days pass and my friend TAKES MY PHONE AND SENDS HIM A TEXT SAYING "I LOVE YOU <3"

I pass away and later he says that he loves me too so yeah I have to tell him my friend took my phone and such and yeah the moment passes awkwardly. But this happened again last Saturday and he just randomly sends that he loves me in the middle of a Convo and then says sorry and ignores it. I don't really wanna bring it up so I just act like it never happened...

So yeah we still are friends I guess and talk and he texts me everyday. I seriously have a counter of the current and highest streaks of how long he has gone without texting me. My highest is one day *death*.

Ok ty for ur time and pls don't report or take down KS cuz I really needed to vent Abt this ok bye!!

~ Bayliegh <3

2 Answers

0 votes
by (61.1k points)
Heeeeyyyyyyy that sounds…..


I’m sorry that happened to you.
by (2.7k points)
Yeah thx I appreciate it
by (61.1k points)
Yeah anytime you need to talk, pm me.
0 votes
by (1.6k points)
oh thats 'FUN' if u need to ever speak with someone outside your friends i am here :p
by (2.7k points)
Tysm! I appreciate the support
by (1.6k points)


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