+1 vote
in Other by (541k points)

Be honest I can take it guys.

I prefer honesty over "omigod chels ilysmsmsmsmsms ur so amazing I would walk over hot coals for you!!" Becuz that stuff just makes me know ur kidding. Alr??

I prefer honesty like: Sometimes think you vent a little too often. Andi don't like it when you say you leave and you don't. It comes off as attention seeking. But your still a great friend!! :D

You know??

Ok go ahead..
I had my brother and his wife over last Friday and my necie over! And brother stayed the night.

10 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Well I don’t know you that well but I have looked at your old posts.

 and I think you’re a really great person. I don’t mind when people leave for like a month or so. And I’m really good at empathy so I sort of know what you’re going through even if I don’t know you that well.

You’re really brave to be going through all that and I probably would’ve been in pieces if I were in your shoes.

I do think you wouldn’t be active enough for president if you do keep taking breaks. But I do think you would make a great prez. :DD

Sorry I this was so long. I’m not a morning person. Lol
by (541k points)



+1 vote
Your one of the most amazing people I have ever met and I would not trade ANYTHING over our friendship! YOU. ARE. AWESOME SAUCE!!!!!!!! ilysm (plat)
+1 vote
by (6.5k points)
Your well I guess I'll say the truth














































































































































by (541k points)
+1 vote
by (228k points)

You've gone through A LOT.

And you are so awesome!!

I don't like it when you say ur gonna leave and then don't but you seem to have stopped so yeh

I think you'd be a great prezzie :D despite what alpha says

You're one of my besties on here so naturally ilysm(p)

by (541k points)

That was so sweet
by (228k points)
Yw :)
+1 vote
by (15.3k points)

You are a very nice person and you’ve been through a lot. When I used to go on kids talk without an account I would go on your posts and I used to think you posted too much and wanted attention. Now, as a regular user, I can see why. As gravity said, the bit where you leave and then don’t can be a bit annoying, but I know you probably won’t do it again. But you are a very nice kind person heart

by (541k points)
Sorry about posting so much.

Its kinda my thing.

Ty for being honest.

Yuor a good friend!!

by (15.3k points)
No worries! I think it’s good to be honest because it’s much better to know the truth, even if it hurts, rather than a bunch of lies!

by (541k points)

I totally agreed ma friend.

0 votes
by (155k points)
You’re amazing and going through a lot. Not much else to it. I personally think you’re awesome!
by (541k points)

+1 vote
by (59.0k points)

See…my honesty is 

“omigod chels ilysmsmsmsmsms ur so amazing I would walk over hot coals for you!!"

by (541k points)

lol ty girlie!!

+1 vote
by (116k points)
Tbh I view you as a sweet and brave 12 year old who has been through hell and survived. I think you are an amazing person but I do think you would make a terrible president.
by (541k points)
True. All true. If only you knew what was going on rn..


Yes. Correction. I'm not active enough for prez so if I win I might give it to nobi but idk.

Ty tho.

+1 vote
by (161k points)

 i don't like it when you say you leave and you don't. It comes off as attention seeking. But your still a great friend!! :D” sums it up perfectly.

by (541k points)
Thank you.

And its realtime.
0 votes
by (541k points)

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