+9 votes
in Personal by

As Ash Princess said in Please help me! I’m begging you! I have a very big problem. She explained my situation but I more problems than that. 

Number 1: I DON’T TRUST ADULTS. So please don’t say you should tell an adult.

Number 2: I don’t have a phone and I can’t call the hotline even if I really wanted to but like I said I don’t trust adults so I don’t trust the adults at the other end of the phone.

Number 3: If I get adopted by  another person I will most likely get adopted with my brother who hurts me more than my parents do, but he doesn’t get abused.

Well thats all I’v got bye.    

by (549k points)
Well, some adults you shouldn't trust (random adults). But adults like, parents, teachers, doctors, counselors and people who work with kids you can trust.

I know it's late.

5 Answers

0 votes
im guesing that your brother is older than you. the reasen that he does not get obused is because hes older then you.

p.s Nicole101
0 votes
Of you don't have a phone then how are you on here?
0 votes
by (549k points)
Some adults you should trust
0 votes
by (156k points)
Get text me. CALL 911. This needs to be known. Show them your spots.
0 votes
ooh am so sorry and I think you should tell an adult bc they can help you why  do you not trust them when you go to school tell a teacher you trust or ask Ash Princess to call some one they will help you .

I will pray that you get help.
by (87.3k points)
Ok soo i don’t have a phone and i would’ve called the hotline if not so me and her are in a tough situation. Thank you very much to everyone who’s praying for us.
do you have an email you can email a hotline or . You could go to a Police Station . Ash Princess can you tell your parents ?? Do you trust your parents to make the right chose have you told them ??

 Your Worried Friend Phonelesshomeschooler
by (87.3k points)
I do not have an email and the police station is too far away to walk also parents won’t allow me to do that I’m only ten. I trust my parents but… I’m afraid they won’t take it seriously. They never do. I’m the youngest out of 3 even though my twin is 30 SECONDS younger.
Your a twin so am I lol !!!!

Tell your parents and if they do not belive you ask your friend to come over and tell your parents as well or take a pic of her scars or bruise ( if there not in a privete place )
by (87.3k points)
Ya no they don’t do that but uh I’m pretty sure her parents know what she wants and their also afraid of COVID so she isn’t allowed to go to someone else’s or have someone come over.

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