+7 votes
in Business / Law by (127k points)
So I don’t normally do this kind of post but nobi asked me to check in once and again so here we are….

For those of you who haven’t been made aware, I am CEO of a new company. We’ve been building on to it, and recently we underwent a redesign and re-evaluation of everything. Everything got re-organized and we got rid of a lot of people. I have almost 30 employees working under me now and some of our positions we’ve now filled include:

CEO (this goes without saying but whatever)




COO (I’m actually interviewing him right now but I know he’s gonna get it)


General Counsel

And more

Most people listed above are Administrators and/or in the Board of Directors. We’ve also got managers of marketing, social media management, development, content creation, so on and so forth.

I’m really excited to have a CHRO now (basically the head of HR managers) because interviewing is a PAIN. Anyway one of my management devs is currently telling me about a huge project that we could get which would get us a massive head hold on.

Even more importantly, this morning we scored a partnership! I met with another company with a similar niche as us. I said “well I’m either talking to a major competitor or a major friend.” They said that they didn’t like competing much and so we negotiated a deal: our devs and coders will work for them to build their software and complex systems they need. In exchange, even after the work is complete, we’ll get 15% of the other company’s monthly revenue and we’ll be advertised as a partner (and vice versa). And since we weren’t able to talk the company into up-front payment, I convinced the CEO to give us a lump sum when the work is done and then we’ll only take 10% for the first month.

Also we have a massive project that we might be able to land. MIGHT. There’s no guarantee but luckily I can be very good at persuasion, so we can very well get it. However it won’t be easy. It’s not some little random company this time. I’m talking about a company that I’m sure every single person here has heard of and knows. Like, a BIG company. Let me give you some figures: they were worth $14B in 2020, $12B in 2021, $17.5B in 2022, and somehow now $33.8B in 2023. Don’t ask me how they skyrocketed so much in a year; I honestly have no idea.

Imagine that: a company worth tens of BILLIONS of dollars might be using us. And like I said, it wouldn’t be some random little job. This could be $150,000+ depending on how many devs we use and how long it takes us.

Again nothing is official but as of right now things are looking to be in our favor. We’ll see how it goes.

Regardless, we gained a whole new team of marketers because I have a couple already, and we have a new source that we can outsource from that has like 25 or so experienced marketers. So that’d be good for client growth anyway.

I could go on and on and on. It’s difficult, that’s for sure. A lot of times I have like four different people all messaging me at the same time and wanting me for something. Getting my COO into place should help with that. I’m also developing and establishing a new system that we’re going to use to generate a little more capital for the time being.

So yeah there’s a lot going on (I’ve barely scratched the surface here in this post) and it’s usually incredibly frustrating. Something is always either taking too long, I get frustrated at an employee not following instructions, or something else. UPS and downs for sure.

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (530k points)
Best answer
This all sounds exciting just reading it! I'm so happy that everything is working out for you; you deserve it, Duke of Silver!

I'm sure that big company you're talking about is something crazy huge... I was gonna guess something like Amazon or any other American-known company, but I dunno what you're working with on your own company so I may very well be wrong x3

Thank you for updating. Now I know that you've got a lot on your hands, Mr. Business Man!

by (127k points)
Yeah no I think we’ve got a few years before Amazon hires us… Amazon’s net worth is over $1 trillion you know.

Well now I’m comparing the company worth tens of billions of dollars to a company worth over a trillion…

But anyway yeah I do have a lot going on. We’re building yet another Gantt chart right now as I type this. Our devs are already set to work for that company that we’re going to do the partnership for. But unfortunately today the guy who was CFO wanted to drop that title (he’s still on the Board of Directors for a different role though). So now we have to find another CFO, and we’re trying to find more front and back-end and fullstack devs (again) because our CTO requested some more for the project with our partner.

Gahhhh it never ends….

*trying to pull skin off face*

Gotta get back to my data entry guy now, he’s still messaging me
by (530k points)
Right! Good luck with everything, I'm really happy for you :D
+1 vote
How much of the company do you actually own now? With so many managers and staff you could be seriously diluted to very little soon, especially if you need to raise more money. I've never heard of a startup growing so fast, so be careful.
by (127k points)
Well I mean we own all of our own company (our partner isn’t taking any of ours), but we own 15% of the other company.

Also big news: We’re going to be registering our business in Dubai! That’s right, the city where the cop cars are Lambos and Ferraris and where they have gold vending machines. It sounds crazy to do it there but it’s actually very sensible.

I’m not incredibly concerned with myself making money at the moment: my main goal has just been to grow rather than get myself rich right away. My employees are definitely going to always be paid before myself.
by (964k points)
But how are you gonna get from Montana to Dubai?
by (127k points)

Elo you…do know it’s not 1930, right? We have this thing called the Internet. Fascinating thing, really. You ought to check it out

by (964k points)
Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll check it out soon.

(am kidding, I’m on the internet right now)
+3 votes
by (1.34m points)
You sure that you're not being scammed or something?
by (127k points)


No, Pumpkin, I definitely never considered that…I suppose my guys with their fancy business degrees and that are in charge of over 900 employees for different things and that have created entire sophisticated networks and platforms and worlds and all my employees with experience in this exact sort of job all are wrong.

No mate we’re not being scammed. I just really, really hope we can succeed in landing this thing because not only would it be a massive sum, but since the company is so big, and since legally they have to give us credit unless they pay to not, we could really get our name out there.

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