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in Fiction by

In the city of New Pork on August 20, 14147 DY, a dog was born to two dogs named Arfy Quickdog and Brena Quickdog. The dog’s name was Buddy Quickdog. This was on the northside of New Pork.

Meanwhile, on the south side of New Pork, another dog was born. This  dog’s name was Dog Weasley. He has 5 brothers and sisters.

2 Dog Years later, Buddy’s parents were killed by Scratcher the Cat, future creator of CATS (Canine-Anti Trouble Causers). They were massacred with the Alakazam’s Curse. Buddy should have been decimated with his parents. But then there would be no story. Also, there would probably be no New Pork. Instead though, Buddy had a magical experience.

Buddy was propelled into the air. He seemed to fly! Oh, imagine the sight. A 2 year old dog, soaring over the city in a swaddling blanket. He saw all the sites of the city. The Empire State Skyscraper, Time’s Square, the Rockefellow Center, and the Statue of Freedom. Then he began to descend. Instead of hitting grass however, he crashed through a roof, sustaining minor injuries, including a scar in the shape of a squeaky bone on his forehead. Then, he passed out.

The Weasleys were celebrating Dog’s second birthday when a loud crash rang through the house. “What was that?” said Dog’s dad, Barker Weasley. “Oo care? Itd my birdday!” said Dog. “I care,” said Dog’s mom, Bella Weasley, “Let’s go investigate.” The whole family climbed the stairs to see a horrendous sight. There was a hole in the ceiling and in Dog’s door. “My woom!” exclaimed Dog, “It’s bwoken!” “Now, now, it’s okay, Dog. I can fix it.” said Bella. “Let’s go see what broke it!” said one of Dog’s brothers. “Let us investigate first.” said Bella, indicating her and Barker.

Bella and Barker were surprised to see a dog in Dog’s room. “What is that?” said Barker. All of Dog’s brothers and sisters rushed in and said “Roo?” Then Buddy woke up. “Hi there,” said Bella “What’s your name? “‘Uddy,” said Buddy, “And I just turned dis many!” said Buddy, holding up 2 fingers. “Dog, turn on the news!” said Bella, as the TV crackled to life. “And now our top story of the hour, two magic dogs killed by Scratcher the Cat on the Northside with the Alakazam’s Curse, WBNP has been told. Here is a picture of the suspect, and NPPD has informed people to stay out of North Barklyn if possible to give NPPD space to investigate. This is a picture of the victim’s child.” A picture of Buddy popped up on the small screen. “Dat me!” said Buddy.

A couple years later, Buddy found out he was a wizard. “I’m a wizard? So I can do magic?” said Buddy “Yes.” said Mr. Weasley. “Here’s your wand,” said Mrs. Weasley. “We will teach you now.”

Five Years Later

CATS Headquarters, Pittsbark

“At last, my master plan is complete! Oscar, heat up some milk to celebrate.” Y-y-yes sir, Scratcher sir.” “Now we plan our…attack.”

One Year Later

3212 Arfin Lane, New Pork

“Buddy, Dog, let's go! We’re going to be late to the hamster rodeo!” said Mr. Weasley “Coming!” said Buddy. “Get in the car. Oh, and make sure you have your wands!” said Mr. Weasley “I’m so excited!” said one of Dog’s brothers, Woofer. “Me too!” said Dog. Dog, Buddy and most of their family packed into their car and drove to the hamster rodeo.

Meanwhile, in a conference room in a Hilton near Madison Circle Garden, Scratcher the Cat, his assistant Oscar and animals who were operatives for CATS. “Let’s put our plan into…action.” said Scratcher. “As soon as MCG is full, I’ll begin the invasion,” said Tecat, the cat in charge of technology. “Everyone put on you Chocgamma jackets. Ah! The arena is full. Now we begin.”

Meanwhile in Madison Circle Garden, Buddy and his family were taking their seats when the roof was pried off the arena! The entire crowd gasped. Then a face came into view. A…robot’s face! Then another appeared and they began to destroy the city. “We must use magic!” said Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. “Oof!” said everyone in the Weasley family as a robot arm swept across the arena. Everyone except Buddy and Dog, because they ducked.

Later, the entire city was nearly destroyed, as no one could get close enough to fight the robots because of the Chocgamma rays. Buddy and Dog had been separated from their parents and all seemed lost. Meanwhile in the conference room mentioned earlier, Scratcher and his minions were partying over the success of their plan, until a rat said, “Your terribleness, where is your assistant? Erm…oh, what’s his na-“Oscar?” said Scratcher “Oh, I never liked that mutt anyway.”

Oscar was surveying the damage of Madison Circle Garden when he heard the voices of other dogs.”Our magic won’t work!” Oscar went to investigate the voices.

Buddy and Dog saw a dog approaching on the horizon. The dog said, “It’s okay! I know how to defeat the robots! My name is Oscar! Oscar Squeaky! I work for the company who built the robots, but I just quit!” Buddy and Dog went to Oscar, and they greeted each other. Then Oscar said, “The red one is Optichoc Prime, and the Green one is Kitty Softbot. Optichoc Prime is emitting chocgamma rays, but you can press the big button on his neck to deactivate both robots. But you need to be fast, otherwise the chocgamma rays will kick in and put you to sleep!” “I’ll do it since I’m part greyhound.” said Buddy “Dog, you need to make me fly.” “No! You can’t!” said Dog, even though he was giving Buddy the speed to fly. “I may need to be fast, but they named a bus after me!” Buddy exclaimed back as he ran toward Optichoc Prime.

Buddy felt extreme exhaustion as he zoomed toward Optichoc Prime as the chocgamma rays kicked in. By the time he made it to the button his vision was blurring. He hit the button then began to fall. The ground was far, then it wasn’t. Then he saw blackness

           Buddy woke up in the hospital with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley looking at him with terrified expressions on their faces. “How are you feeling?” said the doctor. “Good.” Buddy replied. Then Mr. Weasley said “Kid, you just saved the world.” Buddy’s injuries recovered. Buddy’s life was then the same, except for the fact that he was now a celebrity.


           “Let me go!” shouted Scratcher, as he was arrested. “Arrgh! I will make sure that Buddy feels the wrath of me!”

The End…?

4 Answers

0 votes
by (27.4k points)
harry potter is that you no serioously this sounds like animal harry potter
0 votes
by (790k points)

ah yes

new pork

0 votes
by (530k points)

I'm sorry but I can't get over the fact that this is literally Harry Doggy Potter—

by (5.0k points)
+1 vote
by (206k points)

SOOO GOOD!!!teeth_smileregular_smile

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