+10 votes
in Fun Stuff by (350k points)

KidzSearch Adventure Game Part Two (Story: Part 1)


Previously we talked about the game, such as how it works. If you find it interesting, please go there and read up on it. Entries are now closed until this story is finished and done, but you are welcome to add your entry on the previous post until we open back up again.
To the players, KnightStar and Snickerdoodles, continue to your stories on your respective posts. Once you have read it, answer with your action(s) and I will edit this post with the next installment and you will then, under your initial answer, comment with your next action. When Part 2 of the story comes about, another post will be made to continue the same route as this one. (This section will serve as a story updater in parts to come.)

Snickerdoodles' Story

You are the newest Ghost Services intern. Your story starts now.
"Huh. This place looks like it came out of Back to the Future," you say, staring at the 19th century house in front of you. You look down at the note you got in the mail, wondering why the heck you were hired.
Welcome and congrats on being hired. To start your shift or to receive extra information, please visit Main Street's Haunted House 017. To get the attention of our resident lobby manager, simply go down to the cellar and knock on the door three times. Other information can be provided by her when she is summoned.
"Huh." You say, slightly confused. Opening the door, the first thing you notice is a musty smell, and knew why that Craigslist ad needed that housekeeper. Of course, you were on Craigslist, being the lazy Generation Z that we all love, but finding that job was almost too easy. Like it was placed there, for you.
You take a look around, only to notice the cellar door. Sighing, you sit down on one of the old couches- jumping up immediately because you felt something move under the cushions- and wonder what you should do.
Do you:
a) open it
b) hesitate and then open it
c) to heck with it! I'm leaving 
Snickerdoodles chooses: B
The door creaks as you timidly decide to open it. Heading down the stairs, you notice their tendency to moan and sound extremely brittle. You take your time, waiting to reach the end.  The ground is just a slab of cement, with some decaying insects covering the floor along with some dead mice, and you turn your nose up at it. They really do need a housekeeper, you think, as you knock three times on the door. In a flash, a withered old lady appears, her outline slightly blurred and her eyes pure, blazing white. The rest of her colors look faded and washed-up, like a favorite shirt put in a rough spin cycle for years.
A ghost!
You stare at her, a little shaken. She smiles.
"Hello, sweetheart. You the new intern?" she cocks her head. "You look strangely alive. Are you feeling okay?"
Do you:
a) laugh uneasily and say, "I don't know. Who are you?"
b) blink once, hesitate, and then say, "Yeah... I am. My name is Snickerdoodles."
c) smile through your confusion and say confidently, "Yep!"
d) smile at her and stay silent.
e) respond with, "What's going on?!"
f) Custom response. 
NOTE on custom responses: Simply type in what you would say if none of the others sum up what you would do.  (These will be offered every story option, except for the very first of Part One.)
Snickerdoodles chooses: F
"Are you the lobby manager?" you ask, and she smiles her warm (or as warm as a ghost can be) smile. 
"Yup," she says, "That I am. Ms. Periwinkle, nice to meet you!" she tips her pale hat to you, and continues. "You're the new intern, so I'm supposed ta give you some information. Basically, you'll follow some of our ghosts around and help out. But because you're alive," she tilts her head, "just follow me." 
You think for a moment, but she grabs your hand and pulls you through the door into the dark. Wasn't there supposed to be another room in here? you think, not noticing the white abyss all around you with one grey door in the corner, but then your body begins to shiver violently. All warmth is leaving it, and when you look down as you shake and vibrate, you notice your hands are like pearly fog. 
"One moment," says Ms. Periwinkle. "You'll look normal in a second."
And then your fleshy color comes back. Despite that, you're still shivering.
"You'll get used to it. We just turned you to a ghost! Whenever you walk through that door," she points to the dark brown door you just went through," you'll be one of us. Walk out, you'll be human again." she grins widely. "Can't be havin' a young'un alive on the job!"
Your knees quaking, you turn to her.
Do you:
a) Start to splutter. "What's going on?!"
b) Shiver slightly, and force a smile. 
c) Say, "Ms. Periwinkle, what happened to me?"
d) Turn away from her, clutching your shoulders in an effort to warm up.
e) Laugh out of fear. 
f) Custom response. 
NOTE on action responses: these will start to appear later in the story during action sequences and will effectively make the story between the action much shorter. 
Snickerdoodles chooses: B
You force a smile, She tips her head, and begins to talk, "You're probably wondering what's going on," she says, "so I'll explain. This company employs ghosts for the task of scaring and keeping humans on their toes." she shakes her head a moment, her outline blurring, "because if we don't, stuff happens." Grinning, she waves, and the world starts to materialize around you.
 And what happens? you want to ask, but you start to notice the summery field you've landed in. Periwinkle smiles, becoming a lot more solid, and walks with you to the grey door. She opens it, and another room stretches out before you, a loud rowdy room full of people. 
"Ghosts," says Periwinkle. "But this is the ghost world, tucked between yours and the official afterlife. Ghosts spend a certain amount of time here on earth, before being sent up or down." she shrugs and turns to you. "Any questions?"
Do you:
a) Shake your head.
b) Custom response
Snickerdoodles chooses: A
You shake your head, and turn to the rowdy room. Blinking rather hard because of a bright, flashy light, everyone turns to you as you enter. Everyone waits, as if egging you on to speak.
Do you:
a) Say, "Where am I, exactly?!"
b) Say, "Who are you guys?"
c) Custom response 

5 Answers

0 votes
C. "what?" i say.
0 votes
by (350k points)
0 votes
I'll do b.
by (350k points)
0 votes
F. "Are you the lobby manager?" i ask.
by (350k points)
KK! Will add!
+1 vote

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