+7 votes
in Religion / Philosophy by
Hey, I’m Olympia! I’m a girl who’s really interested in learning other people’s religions.

For those on KS who have studied philosophy and different religions, will you explain to me about different religions? If you’re whole family is the same religion as you, it will be helpful to explain that too! If you chose a different religion than your family, explain why you did.

I’m looking forward to seeing your answers. Have a great day.


6 Answers

0 votes
+1 vote
I am jewish. Did you know that the jews did not have Israel (the country were most jews live now) until 1948?



+1 vote
by (964k points)
My whole family is not religious because uhh idk
+1 vote


just saying because...

Anyways i am Christian :)

Praise the Lord!  angel_smile

+1 vote
by (165k points)
Well, I don't study philosophy often, but I can share some insight into Hellenism. No one (as far as I know) in my family is Hellenist but me. My grandmother is Christian and my mom... I want to say Wiccan, something similar to that. My dad is probably an atheist. I do feel that there is something out there we cannot explain, so I don't feel completely right about being an atheist. With Christianity, I find it far-fetched that some random dude pulled the entire earth, heaven, hell, and purgatory out of nowhere and created them in about a week including humans, which pretty much destroy everything that was created. Even though science proved a large time gap there. (Science is another reason why I find Christianity unrealistic personally.) I believe in Hellenism because it is a form of Animism. What this means is basically that everything on the earth (and beyond) has a soul. Often, Hellenism is portrayed with Greek myths, and I do believe in them, but I believe that they take the form of the things around us. For example, Demeter is the goddess of the harvest, crops, and such. She controls whether farmer's fields have plenty of food or die off. Essentially, she is the crops themselves. I also believe the Greek underworld is more logical than "good place, bad place and the ehhhhh, we'll stick you here place".
by (964k points)
LunaLight is inactive and has been since May 27, 2021. Basically 2 years.
by (964k points)
You’re welcome!
+1 vote
by (14.5k points)
I have went deep on religion, theologies, etc. Philosophy is something I'm interested in, actually.


& I chose a different spiritual belief from my family. My dad is "new age", as he had many Crystals that apparently grant healing & stuff lying on this table plank, right by his favorite living room chair. He also has pictures of my mother on that table lol... He believes in this spiritual belief that we can manifest our higher selves. Anyways, my mother is Buddhist, but she has mixed beliefs since she was raised Buddhist Catholic (yes, that is a thing.) She has a soft spot for Christianity, but she show resentment at times. Confusion shall I say.

My grandmother and grandfather on my dad's side were both devout Christians. "Were" because they passed away, not cuz they converted otherwise-- Anyways, I grew up religiously confused. Spirituality was a big factor in my childhood though, because I was spiritually sensitive. I jut didn't know what, since I had my dad's ideologies enforced on me. At age 12, I witnessed Jesus, then converted to Christ. Now I am an Evangelical Christian and going on 14 in a months time :D

Even though my parents aren't direct Christians, a lot of my ancestors were Christians. Also my grandparents on my Dad's side were both wonderful Christians. My grandfather passed away on a Friday in 2015, but before he did, he would always bring me to church. My grandmother would read the Bible to me before I went to be bed when I was younger. She passed away June 12th, 2019 at 90. Though they are both gone, I feel like the Holy spirit passed through me because of their overwhelming faith. My grandmother was always worried that because her son had mixed & confused views, I and my sister would too. But by the grace of God, after she passed away, I witnessed Jesus, growing my own faith. I can't wait to meet the both of them in Heaven, in 90 years times! 90 years is nothing compared to an eternal rest with my Heavenly father and my Godly grandparents. Well, that is if I live to my life's extent... 0-0

So yeah, that is my reasoning.
by (101k points)
You witnessed Jesus?
by (14.5k points)
Yep :D

I have seen him before in my visions. I only saw his back though. Even if I didn't see his face, he is truly divine.
by (101k points)
Okay! Quick questions:

1. By visions you mean dreams?

2. How do you know it was Jesus?

3. How do Christians know what Jesus looks like?
by (156k points)
Pictures have been passed down through the years also what religion are you Ash
by (14.5k points)
1. Visions are similar to dreams, however visions are an "appearance" made spiritually. I shows a revelation and is connected to religion or spirituality more than dreaming. Also, you can be awake, but it's not like day dreaming, because visions do not come by command. Revelations turned into visions are shown in many religions though.

2. When you have a vision from God, God reveals to you something about the vision. It's hard to explain, though it seems simple.

3. Christians do not know who Jesus looks like. The Bible never said Jesus's appearance, all but that he wasn't really the most handsome guy. People assume his race many times, but I believe we should not focus on Jesus's appearance in the flesh, as this can lead to idolatry. God purposely left not image of Jesus so that Christianity would not idol the flesh's outer appearance, but rather the spirit. Many religious branches of Christianity have made images of Jesus, and idolized it, such as Catholicism (and others).

I hope this answers ur questions!

Sorry I couldn't answer sooner.

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