+12 votes
in Artist Directories by (87.2k points)
Ok. So my parents are divorced and it’s been really hard for me. Basically, I get up to go to school on Thursday, drop my big sis off at middle school, then go straight to my dads house. I stay there till Monday. I get ready for school and go to school like normal, but my mom picks me up. In the case of no school, I go to my moms at 3:00. Then I stay with her until that Thursday, then I go to my dads house for dinner but I only have time to do homework, pick up some Chopt or Chipotle, the go to new Canaan to eat and pick my sisters up, then go straight to moms house and stay with her till Monday. Then the cycle repeats. But anyway, my dad got a girlfriend, let’s just call her…Jenny. They have been together for about 2 years. They, um, well, I’ll cut to the chase. They got engaged. I knew, my dad told me, and I love her, but it’s going to be weird. Especially with my real birth mother. Well, my mom hates my dad, my dad doesn’t hate her so strongly. I have a lot of time alone with them, so I have both sides of the story. My dad thinks she only wants what will make me like her more than my dad and wants the most custody with me. My mom thinks my dad is being unreasonable. Whenever I mention my dad to my mom, she changes the subject. So I was with my dad and we were watching a movie. Jenny was there too. We talked about it. Jenny says “your mom can text me too, I gave her my number.” And I said that she won’t, and it turns out my mom hasn’t texted Jenny at all! Not even once! So at this point I’m confused. Can you help me puzzle out what I can do? If I should do anything? If I should try to help Jenny? How I can help? What my mom wants or needs? What my dad wants or needs? Also, sorry about how this cry for help is in the form of a novel.
My parents are divorced too so I know how you feel don't worry and maybe you and your big sister should be a team too try to convince your mom that your dad is still human, so she has to respect his decision.
by (87.2k points)
Um, both my sister hate me.

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (165k points)
Best answer
Sorry I forgot about this so sorry

Anyway, well your mom is probably jealous and going through a lot she loved your dad and seeing him with another woman is probably really hard just really supportive and show your love she will apricate it.

And maybe you should try to tell Jenny what your mom is going through and ask her to be patience.

Tell your dad your mom side of the story and tell your mom your dads

Am really sorry about your sisters hating you that has got to hurt!

Rember I will always be her to talk to!
by (87.2k points)
Oh ok thanks so much I will do that.
by (165k points)

Your welcome btw Wraya might be leaving if we don't comment on this post she made it's called Should I leave plz go comment or answer!


by (87.2k points)
Oh no oh no oh no! Noooooooo! Please no not Wraya I’m going right now!
by (165k points)
Thank you so much!
0 votes
by (550k points)
Help.Jenny not sure how
0 votes
I have the same problem but worse..It all started in the 3rd grade when I told my best friend that my parents split up then she told the whole grade and the roomer got around. I felt like i fell from an 100 feet building Down to the ground into a black hole portal  (I know that emoji is a firework and not a portal but it’s close) :)
by (87.2k points)
IM SO SORRY!!!!!!!!

 and also the emoji didnt show up you have to click on the smiley face thingy on the top.
+2 votes
by (3.4k points)
I’m so sorry to hear that I’m praying for you
by (87.2k points)
by (15.6k points)

Same, im soooooo sorry! sad_smile

+1 vote
by (165k points)
Oh am so sorry I will answer this more detailed later when I feel like typing all I have to say.
by (87.2k points)
by (165k points)
Thanks for understanding!

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