+17 votes
in Polls by (266k points)
Hey! So I saw that post about the fictional crushes thing, and it got me thinking: who was your guys' first crush? They can be fictional or real! I'm really curious to know!! Maybe include how old you were, and what happened with them, and what became of you guys. I'd really appreciate it if you guys answered! Thanks!!
I had a crush on a girl, but through the years I kinda started to crush on someone else, but now I think she kinda likes me. Right now, my crush is in my class. She’s pretty and I don’t exactly know, but she might have a crush on someone else, and he’s my friend. I’ve caught her looking at me a few times, but I really don’t know if she likes me.
by (266k points)
Oooooh!! How interesting!! Sounds like you got your hands full, haha!! :p
by (156k points)
My crush was a girl in 6th grade!!! I still like her!!! ❤️❤️❤️
by (266k points)
Awwww!! :)
by (156k points)
What about you?
done judge me but i had a crush on curious George when i was 3
by (266k points)

No judgement from me though XD

31 Answers

+2 votes
My best friend. I still like her, and I think she might like me back, but the crush makes things kind of awkward.
by (266k points)

Yeah, that def can make things awkward. But after awhile, it goes away :)

Yeah. I think it is kind of getting a bit less awkward, but it was awkward when, um, we held hands.

I'm not sure though, because she might just be somebody that hugs their friends, but I don't know. . .

by (266k points)

OOOOHH?? wow

We'll be having a sleepover soon, but then it will be awkward. . .Our other friend will be there, so not that awkward, but. . .

(I feel like I say 'awkward' too much.)
by (266k points)
Pfft, you're good. Sometimes "awkward" is the only way to describe a situation XD

Hey, that's exciting! Hopefully it'll relieve some tension :p
Hopefully! It's today, so yeah.
+2 votes
by (155k points)
A classmate from 4th grade. We never really talked.
by (965k points)
Same, except for the last part.
by (266k points)
Oh lol. I feel like that's a common one :p
by (155k points)
+1 vote
by (25.2k points)
I had my first crush @ 11 with a girl whom i knew well since we were 4yrs . we were born in same month - may. me 21st she was on 27th . We had a big crush at 11, specially cuz she liked my hair. She is my crush still today, now she thinks i'm her boyfriend however. I still like her  !!
by (266k points)
Awww! :) That's cute! But if she "thinks" your her boyfriend, why aren't you...??
by (25.2k points)
Tell hr what?
+3 votes

I had my first crush at age 3-4 ish...

First of all, I know, that is very early to have a crush. But sure enough, in pre-school, I had a HUGE crush on this guy. 

I was very over dramatic. I only liked him for his hair btw. I am a HUGE hair loving person. The guy must have great hair! Anyways... I would literally tell my parents that I loved him as much as they love each other. I would flop on the floor and just say his name and that I was gonna marry him someday. I even tackled him once! That is how over dramatic I was!

Here is another story with the same kid... In pre-school, we made a self portrait saying what we wanted to be when we grew up for our graduation. I said I wanted to be a princess (lol) when I grew up and said that the kid was gonna be my prince. I said that to his face, and I have no idea what he said to that. All I remember was that he announced at the graduation that he wanted to be an accountant when he grew up. Yup! A number-punching accountant! I was FURIOUS!!! That is when I "broke up with him". I just simply could not be with a guy that wanted to be an accountant over a prince. Lol

So yeah...There is my entire pre-school crush story out there on the internet! Hope y'all enjoy that lol!

by (266k points)

And YES! Hair is CERTAINLY plays a role with guys lol.

I think this one is my favourite story out of all of these XD
by (965k points)
I’d much rather be an accountant than a princess.
by (266k points)
REALLY!? Princess all the way here, man XD
+2 votes
(I’m 9 so it’s a bit weird) Actually right now I have a crush his name is Christopher.(can’t believe I said his name!)
by (266k points)
Nah, you're good! :) And dw, everything's anonymous here :D

So he's your first, huh?
Cheer, man I missed you *hugs* how have you've been ? I really want to tell you absolutely EVERYTHING THAT'S HAPPENED SINCE OCTOBER ! Sorry lolol I've missed you so so much.

Anyway, speaking of  first crushes, I can't say but read between the lines please.

by (266k points)


I wanna hear ALL about it- I've got a LOT of catching up to do! :p

I am stupid I cannot read between the lines skull XDXDXD

This post is about first crushes... I will never have a bf till I'm like 17\18 cuz things can change... Plus I don't like romance, but crushes can't really control them
by (266k points)
Ohhhhhhhh lolololol
+2 votes
My moms friends son ,I can't remember his name, in pre school
by (266k points)
"My mom's friend's son..." XD I've had like, three of those in the past week!! XDXDXD That's cute though :) Sorry you can't remember his name :(
+2 votes
by (12.9k points)
um my first crush was when i was 3 or 4. i used to live in china (pls dont be racist!!!), and in preschool there was there boy who was super cute, and yeah i liked him. everybody said we were going out, but we were like 3 or 4. lol, kids these days...
by (266k points)
Nah, we won't be racist :) Actually, Tom used to live in China, too!! He was born there and moved back to the states a few years later.

Awwww, that's cute :) I feel like everyone had their first crush when they were so young... I was like, 9 XD (which is like, super young now...)
+2 votes
I had my first kiss with a guy named kindle I'm still in love with him
by (266k points)
Awwww!! My (now ex :((() boyfriend was  my first kiss too, and I'm also still madly in love with him!!
by (28.9k points)
oh u and tom broke up I am so sry  :*(
+2 votes
by (20.7k points)
I had a crush on this boy in 5th grade and he's my mother's friend's son. I've liked him almost 2 years. We were great friends but he moved out from our city and I don't get to see him now. So I decided to move on from him.
by (266k points)
Oooh, I'm sorry :( But yeah, Ig it would be super difficult to try and make anything come from that when you both live so far away!!
+1 vote
Ok I had my first crush when I was about nine and he was my mom's and friend's son. He was two years older than me and the first day I met him, my jaw dropped. I liked him but all he did was lazing around doing absolutely nothing at all but watch animekisa.tv. So I left him:( pretty cold right??!!
by (266k points)
Hey man, I get that!! One of the guys I liked, well, it was kinda (?) the same way. Although, later on as I got to know him a bit better, I realized he was just NOT IT XD He did some things that really disappointed me, so I moved along :p And when I did, I found my favorite person on the face of the earth :)

Not really that cold, but I can def see where you're coming from!! ;) Thanks for answering!!

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