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Chapter the first:The rooster's dead.

Hi. My name's Sylvia. I run my parents' farm! Ever since I was two, I was workin' the fields. I never had a break, but I WAS breakin' SWEAT out there in the dirt and blood of my elders. Now that I work alone- Even though I'm 16- I need no help. I used to be a city girl, but we moved when I turned 1. I was too privileged. Too SELFISH! I had everything. Now all I got is a barn, animals, and fruit. Every day, I eat bread and avocados, homemade jam, and veggie soup. I never had an education, except for Pre- education. 

Chapter the second: Livin' la BROKE vida 

Even though I own my own farm, it's broken down and unnoticed. In this time, slaves are still enslaved. Lives are still lost. No one can be brought back. My  parents have died. My sisters fell sick. My life feels like it's on its last string of hope....

Today I did the impossible. I left the farm. I've never been back to the city to see how my sisters were doing, so I did it. I f-finally did it..."Tickets please." Said a Lady I've never seen before. "What?" I said. "I SAID-" "I heard you. I never knew you needed tickets to SEE somebody." I was confused. "You buy tickets to see a movie, don't you?" She was starting to get  very snappy. After I found some tickets in my pocket, I found my sisters lying in bed.

Chapter the third: "DIED?"

"Hello?" I said. "How are you?" No soul made a single, gentle, peep. "What's going on?" I asked the snappy lady. "Oh! I forgot to tell you. They're DEAD. They've DIED. Get with the program." "WHAT?" I said, "You never told me! WHAT PROGRAM?" I started to cry. "Get over it. All people die at a certain point." She walked away and closed the door. My mind: Why does she have to be so rude? My sisters DIED and she literally was so CALM!

I sat there for hours, wondering why i never came earlier so i could at least say goodbye.The only sibling I have left is.. AHA! ROBBIE! I ran to a big company called "Robbie's entertainment!". Robbie was checking to see if all the Tv's worked. "Oh hey, farmgirl.I wouldn't see you here every day." He said.

The end! For now!

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Your a really good writer! plz do more!!
by (156k points)
Yes you are

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