+6 votes
in Other by (56.3k points)
I got my first period!!!!!

It's not that painful. It's a bit brownish. Unfortunately I got in school and had to wait until I get home. So yayyyyyy.

I'm a woman.!!!!!!!!
i'm a boy what do you have to say to me?

9 Answers

+1 vote
by (156k points)
Congrats!! So I'm kinda Rosie's little sister and I haven't gotten mine yet so I have a few questions,

So like I have the white stuff now and there's more and more of it everyday. Did anyone else have this?

Its getting kinda hairy down there

How old was everyonewhen they got it?

Thank u!
It's called discharge, it's perfectly normal! You usually get it a while before you start, but it's not a perfect way to tell when you'll get your period.

That's normal, too!

I know it's not personal, I just don't want to share because it was the age I am now (age isn't that personal on a site for kids, but still).
+1 vote
by (550k points)
Umm u could have just went to the nurse and got a pad
Not every school has pads. My school doesn't have any, but the new school for younger kids does, so we're only able to get pads school when we visit there. I get some kids get it earlier, but we don't even have pads, and when the bins used to be stocked (which was years ago), you had to pay for it.

I don't mean to be rude, and I'm sorry if I came across as it.
by (550k points)
Sorry i have some girl's books about puberty and they say to go to the nurse if they happen at school.
You don't need to say sorry! I just mean that I went to the nurse when I got mine and there were no pads, it makes sense to go to the nurse, though.
by (56.3k points)
They don't have pads.
+1 vote
Lucky I didn't get mine yet!
ah yes lucky...no.. noo AHHHHHHHH
+1 vote
by (550k points)
nice I had my first one around this time a few years ago
+1 vote
by (64.4k points)
Cool! I haven't gotten mine yet
+2 votes
oh nice!! havent gotten mine yet and not looking foward to it
+1 vote
by (530k points)
For me, periods are extremely annoying.
+1 vote
Good for you!

Or not so good...??

I don't know, depends how you view your period! Some people think its cool, some don't. Its unfortunate that you got it in school, but it could have been worse ig lol. I'm 12 and I still haven't gotten mine; fortunately for me though, schools out so I don't need to worry! :D
+2 votes
I got my first during school, too. They don't even have pads in there. Just super thin toilet paper. This is why we need free period products in all schools and in all bathrooms.
by (965k points)
Yes. I agree.

Wanna start a petition?
by (56.3k points)

How do u know if something unexpected happens while you're in school??

Ik! I just went to the younger kid's school in my district for a concert and their bathrooms have free and fully stocked bins of pads and tampons. We have empty bins of tampons and pads that cost money and are only in the girl's bathrooms.

by (965k points)
That’s not fair at all. We have to get supporters, and when we have enough, take it to the official level. First in our respective states, then the federal government.

By the way, I’ll post a petition on Care2 or change.org. I’m not gonna link it though since you have to use a real name.
Yes, we need a change!

by (965k points)
Well, I think you need an account on both, and you need to be 13+, so…
Ohh :(
by (156k points)
That's crazy! I understand 4/5 th graders may need pads cuz they're pretty young and their parents probably haven't bought pads for them but why on earth would they needs tampons!? What 9-10 yro is just sticking a tampon up there? I'm 14 and I'm still too nervous. Lol
by (965k points)
I’m 11 and I’m also too nervous to do it.

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