+22 votes
in The Pumpkin Patch by (966k points)

Pumpkin usually hosts these, but he said that I could take over. (That’s why I’m using his category)

Welcome to this... whatever-you-call-it! You guys are gonna be nominating people based on how much they influenced 2023 on KidzTalk! Nominations start today (December 1) and end on December 31! The winner will be announced during the first week of January!

Get to it!

by (966k points)
By the way KidzSearch, can you pin this or something?
by (351k points)
by (1.34m points)
thx for using my category lol
by (119k points)

by (966k points)
You’re welcome, Pumpkin. There wasn’t really anywhere else and plus, you created the User of the Year awards.
by (966k points)
KidzSearch, now that voting has ended, can you un-pin this please?

43 Answers

+3 votes
by (302k points)

 my nominations: Nobi, Carly, Shred and PsychoSloth<3

they've all made a HUGE impact on me!!!


by (116k points)
Thank you!
by (161k points)

You did have a crush on Shred and Carly at one point you sly dog evil

by (116k points)


by (161k points)




Also, not to be annoying, but,


Smoking cowboy

by (116k points)

laughing-tears  True

Wow, that does look like a smoking cowboy!

by (529k points)
Sli dahg—
by (302k points)

heh. a-=

by (161k points)

Joel still likes Nobi huh (¬‿¬)

by (302k points)


by (529k points)
GC, I already said that I don't want any problems x3
by (116k points)
 this is hilarious

+4 votes
by (116k points)


You are Nayeon? (Imnayeon)

by (529k points)

The plot    t   h   i   c   k   e   n   s

by (966k points)
Bro doesn’t know about KidzTalk history—

There’s this user called imnayeon, and that’s her username because there’s this K-pop star named Nayeon and she (imnayeon) is/was a big fan of Nayeon.
by (116k points)
I actually knew that
by (793k points)
imagine teaching our kids kidztalk history.
by (116k points)


by (966k points)
If I could teach any 3 things, it would be rickrolling, Apple products, and KidzSearch (specifically KidzTalk and KidzNet) history.
+2 votes
by (114k points)
Carly and Shred!
+2 votes
by (116k points)
Nobi, GravityCentered.
by (161k points)
This is why you and johnny joe johnson are the only active ones here i heavily trust and rely on.

Not because you voted for me, but because you actually recognize my work.

You are like a cyber-brother to me, shred.

You really are.
by (116k points)
Yes, we really are. (Bros)

I hope you will be more active again soon.

Oh, and please give me updates on your workout stuff.
by (161k points)
Im on vacation right now so my workout progress is halted at the moment
by (116k points)

Ok, well you should know that if you loose muscle, you gain it back 2x or more faster.
Muscle memory.

It actually works.

And hey, they added private messaging!

That is way better than bios.

I can't wait to use it. (It is in beta right now, so you can only message mods)

+1 vote
by (119k points)
No one voted me
by (793k points)
i did
+2 votes
by (302k points)
i vote Nobi. <3
+4 votes
by (1.34m points)
Gotta go with Nordic. She's done a lot, and it's still her first year!
by (966k points)
That profile picture though…

(You are not disqualified)
by (793k points)
by (155k points)

Nice PFP okay-hand

+3 votes
by (550k points)
I'm sad nobody picked me
by (155k points)
Hey, lena did!
by (28.9k points)
Yep I voted for you
+1 vote
by (114k points)

im sad no one nominated me :(

by (529k points)
Hey, only one person nominated me x3
by (114k points)
I guess ur right :(
by (161k points)
Here because this needs to be responded to.

One person nominated me, and im up there with carly in terms of activity, friendships, and contributions.

Im not sad, i simply took it and went on with my day slightly worse.

Who voted for me?

It was my BESTEST friend here, Johnny Joe Johnson.

Out of everyone i’d like to move to KN with me, He is the first i’d like to move there.

Wanna know why i left kt?

You’re about to know, and I’m typing this very reluctantly, because I don’t feel like telling anyone but J-train, Shred, or Duke.

Johnny Joe Johnson is the only one here who voted for me besides Carly (Carly voted multiple).

I sound dumb and overdramatic, but i felt unimportant.

I felt like my work had amounted to nothing.

Thats why i moved back to KN.

So much unfinished business, yet so much reward.

I might sound like i’m mister big ego, but this is my defense.

On KN, I can build my legacy.

I just have to make one post and I’m overtaking Elo in points.

I’m gaining points at an insane rate, and Carly is the only one that is fairly near or at (i cant really tell) my Point Accumulation level.

I’m writing stories that people love, and I’ll KEEP writing them.

I both ran for the kn presidential election and hosted the kn presidential election, and i won the kn presidential election.

What have i done for kn as president?

Passed acts that give the kn community better equality.

Provided stories for kn users to keep the users on their feet and keep activity high.

Along with Jason, I plan to be the foundation that keeps the KN community alive.

There’s one thing i will give to kt that is better than kn:

Moderation speed.

Here, it takes a pretty fast 5 minutes-an hour for a post to get approved.

On kn, it takes 8 hours top speed and nearly a week at the lowest (cough cough, anomaly killer EP. 1, ks)

I’m staying at kn, and i will be like pumpkin in terms of activity here. On and off, on and off.

And to carly, which my opinion has not changed:

Carly, lets be honest,

WE rose to the top on KT.

You got the points, tho.

From September through November, what was the recent activity?

Carly, Me, Carly, Carly, Me, Me, Me, Carly, Elo, Me, Carly, Me, Me, Carly.

You are my 2nd best friend (no offense, i platonically love you)

But Johnny Joe Johnson takes the cake.

He is my #1 friend, and it will stay that way unless DukeSilver comes back.

He is my bestest friend.

And yes, i said BESTEST. To all of my other friends, dont ask “WHY NOT ME?”.

He’s my bestest. End of discussion.

I don’t care what you think, but thats how i feel.

by (529k points)
I'm not offended by Joe being your bestest. I'm not a lot of my friend's on here's "bestest" probably.

Also, I get it. I feel unimportant a lot of times. I just try to keep with my stories and hope people like them.

I was only voted by one person.

I'm not trying to make this about me, so I'm sorry if it reads that way.

I get you. I now understand why you left. You feel like you have more of an impact on KN. I get it.

Thank you for explaining.
by (114k points)

me reading that: wow

that was very meaningful tho, so thanks for that :)

by (966k points)
Yeah, I’ll let you surpass me in points, GC.

Also, I voted nobody because I’m the creator of the post, so it’s not exactly fair for me to vote.
by (161k points)

Sloth, if you don’t know about the work i’ve done on kn, here is my 40 posts i have made (and there is multiple in the moderation process, its gonna be like 43 soon): https://net.kidzsearch.com/author/gravitycentered/

If you don’t think its a big enough amount, I have some statements:

I’m making more.

The moderation process on kn is excruciatingly slow, so the number of posts actually ain’t too bad.

When i moved back to kn about two weeks ago, i had about 32 posts.

Lets do some math:

I joined kn around june 5th.

I made my last “first stint” (first period of my kn tenure) post on September 24th.

Thats a little over 3 and a half months.

In the two weeks of my return, i have gotten 8 posts approved and posted by ks.

That’s a 25% increase.

A month is a little more than four weeks.

3 times 4 is 12, add 2, thats 14. 14 weeks. 7 times 8, 56.

If i work another 3 months at this rate, i will have about 100 posts (factoring in the extra days from the month)

Thats a lot for kn standards.

Also, i appreciate the reassurance.

I still won’t fully come back to kt, but thanks.

Another thing,

I’m actually heavily forgotten on kn, despite what i have done.

Im forgotten even by jason, who is a KN council member i approved, and i am also campaigning specifically for him for KN user of the year.

Yet, i am only remembered for my stories, nothing else.

Anyways, thanks for the reminder that im appreciated on here (even though i still doubt i am).


by (114k points)
@Psyco tanks :)
by (119k points)









by (161k points)
When did i blame any of you for me leaving?

I said it multiple times, but I’ll say it again:

More reward, better shot at building legacy, more stuff to pick up on.

Thats why i’m leaving, pizza.

End of discussion unless anyone has questions, i’m not taking any clear-as-mud objections.
by (119k points)


I don’t care

Actually that’s a lie.

I will miss you.

I will try to contact you through kn or that one comment chain on kt sometime


One last question

Do you see yourself ever returning to kt?
by (161k points)
Answer to your question:

Not any time soon, but maybe in several months or maybe even a year
by (966k points)
100 posts IS a lot for KidzNet. (After the revamp, before the revamp posts were basically as long as comments on the wall)
+1 vote
I vote HighQueenSusun

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