+4 votes
in Personal by (165k points)

So my life keeps on changing and I'm going to give you an update again.

On Saturday we had this Passover my parents lead it so we knew everyone was but some of our friends didn't know other of our friends if that made sense.

So my crush and his sister and his mom was there We will call my crush Luke and his sister Violet 

My friend and her sisters and parents this friend we will call Penny

Ok so during the Passover part I played with the little kids, so I didn't really get to talk to my friends but afterward we ( My friends my twin and my crush) all went outside and played Gaga ball.

Well Luke got out and pretend to have a broken ankle and moaned and complained about it how he would die and it would be our fault ect.ect...So he went up to the slide and sat there so we pushed him down and pretend to moan and complain about that well then we started talking and Penny was telling us about gross kids at her Co-op and Luke was trying to be funny and kept repeating words that she said and whenever somebody did something a little dumb he would look at me and grin and shake his head.

Well, everyone left expect Luke and his family my twin (She has a crush on Luke too, but she doesn't know that I have a crush on him)

Got in a debate bc she stares at him, and she brought up that he pushes back his hair a lot and he was like how do you know that do you stare at me and she said " no I just look at you sometimes but you do it all the time"

And he was like "how do you know that?" and she was getting fluster and whenever she contradicted herself, he would look at me and grin and roll his eyes! 

And we did share some private jokes.

How do I know if he likes me he is great when no boys are around but when they are he goes into his shell and completely ignore me or just stare at me like I have two heads!

Or sometimes if we go out to eat with him and his friend he will tolerate me and let me join his conversation and we have a good time but he kinda acts like am an outsider and the are just letting me stay for a little bit intel they can get rid of me.




2 Answers

+1 vote
by (266k points)
Hey you! Sorry for answering so late!!

Life keeps changing? I felt that! Seriously, I could post everyday about an issue that comes up XD Pretty sure ya'll are sick of it by now lol.

Boys are both the greatest thing/people ever and the worst at the same time XD We love 'em anyways. From what it sounds like, this boy certainly has some kind of feelings for you! He's at that age where he can make actually send you some uncryptic signals lol.

I swear, every boy I've ever met changes in one way or another when they're with their friends versus alone with you! Sometimes when he's hanging with his friend, maybe he just wants to hang with the bois- it's probably nothing personal. I wouldn't worry about that too much!

Honestly I think he likes you! I would give it a shot, and maybe try and up your flirting game ;) But I think you might eventually run into some problems with your sister...

Best of luck, Blue!! :)
+1 vote
Hey , Z ! Sorry For not replying. :(:

Yup, God keeps teaching me things. My life has been routine.

 Sounds cool.We did something like that Sunday evening. It was called a Seder. Really cool !

Yeah, I know. I'd be the friend who doesn't know other friends lol lol

Ohh boy. That sounds fun.  :()).

I have no idea. I mean . That seems like normal behavior for boys wether or not he likes you ?

How old is he ? And what is Gaga ball ?

\\\Thalia//// see yah soon !
by (165k points)

I know! :)

XD it was really fun!

XD doesn't it!

Boy's will be boys!

That is a song XD

He is 14 and Gaga ball is a fun game where you all get in a circle box thing and you hit this ball with your hands if it hits your feet your out!

and you can't double touch the ball inless it has hit the wall.


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