+15 votes
in Personal by (15.2k points)
Hello, its me tdtl1802. Recently at my school, two girls tried to kill them self, one died. i just wanted to get the world out about suicide and wanted to let you know, you can ALWAYS talk to me. i am a total stranger to most of you, but that does'nt mean talking to me wont help.

Whether it be 5 in the morning or 11 at night, i will be there. I love you all.

It Will Always Get Better
You can always talk to me! I'm happy to help.

11 Answers

+1 vote
by (82.3k points)
RIP to the girl and btw thank you.
+1 vote

Don't do suicide!!!!!!! It is never a good idea!!! Things can always get better!

+3 votes
by (165k points)
Some people can't stop. The first thing that happened for me to feel better was when my mom found out I had been cutting, she helped me hide the scars, and to stop. I don't do that anymore. I don't have suicidal thoughts anymore. I talked to someone and it helped. I am not Christian, so I couldn't turn to God, I turned to my mom. I stopped doing thins that made me depressed, listen to sad music, wearing my skull hoodie, ect, and I got out of it slowly. I listened to music that motivated me, that helped to, made me determined to get better, to be happy. Now, I don't have depression. I have been able to listen to those songs that made me feel down and they don't effect me, can't say the same for my hoodie, but I'm getting better.
by (415k points)
I agree I had prayed to God when I had my equipment ready. Long, strong rope flung around a stable tree, big chair to fall from and eventually that was the end. I prayed to God in what I thought for so long would be the end. Since I was nine years old, I planned my death. I wasn't brave enough to let go, that's what I thought then. It's more of I was brave enough to continue on. I'm still depressed, a year and a half later, but it's okay. I still look at the world thinking, why can't people forget the past of things that never happened to them? I tried to kill myself, yeah, and even now I take a kitchen knife to the bathroom and put it on my neck, look in the mirror and think what my family wouldn't think if I have done it. I can't turn to my family, I won't turn to my dad because of the guilt I would feel If I burdened him. I tried turning to my mom but she got mad at me. My aunt just felt bad for me. they don't know the full story, only Queeny does and she completely doesn't care. She never told me it was okay, she never hugged me, she just responded with whatever. Sometimes I think my life is not a precious thing. I don't think that anymore, but that's why my only turn to is you guys, and you've helped me more than ever. It's not the end, my life is just beginning.
Hey. I think you may need to get out into nature one time and remind yourself what a beautiful world you live in. Be thankful for all these beautiful colours on display just for you. All these beautiful sights, sounds and smells are all waiting for you, off your screen and outside. I don’t mean go to a park or your backyard but go to a part of your city that is just bush bush bush and a bit more bush. Walk through it. Better yet, go for a trip with your family, go camping in a forest with them. You will feel better.

I understand what it feels like with having no one to turn to to talk. I felt embarrassed and didn’t want to tell my dad or mum and thought my siblings were too young and wouldn’t understand. I didn’t want to tell my friends in case word got out and the whole school thought I had been suicidal. I felt trapped. This is where things like KidzSearch are great! You can keep you anonymousness while talking to kids around your age who may have the same problems. You should talk to a helpline and have a discussion with someone who is ready to listen, won’t judge you and doesn’t know you. One last tip: hang out with your real life friends more, go to see a movie with them, go to a park with them, the best thing for me was hearing my friends laugh at my jokes.

Get out into nature more, talk to someone (best option is probably helpline, mum or very very close friend who would understand), and hang out with people who think you are awesome!

Because you are.


Whoa. I should be a psychiatrist! Immaaddthattomyusernaem
by (165k points)
I am glad you can get help from people on KS, I try to help as much as I can. Don't think that you are burdening people by telling them, you're not, you're trying to get help.
by (415k points)
I don't live where there is a city, all I see is trees, nothing more than trees. I don't see people, but trees. Tree. Oh, there's another tree. And I agree, but I'm homeschooled so I don't have kids at my school whatnot, that's why. Thanks, Dc. Someone.
by (165k points)
Hey Knight, think of anything you typically do or wear or anything everyday that makes you feel depressed. If you can think of anything, stop doing, wearing, or whatever it. For example, I had scars before, all over my arms, I wore my hoodie every day, it didn't make me depressed itself, but it was something that kept me in my own little world of numbness. I stopped wearing my hoodie, I wore long sleeves still, but no more hoodie. Eventually I could wear short sleeves without my scars noticeable, and I am not wearing that hoodie still, mostly cause I am not ready, since I only got out of depression a couple months ago, I am not going to visit that memory just yet. I stopped listening to sad songs that I knew made me sad, like Numb or In The End (Linkin Park songs), and listened to happier songs, like Iridescent (Linkin Park). Just try that, along with no cutting, if you had been. And try to train yourself to recognize negative thoughts, and replace them with positive ones.
by (415k points)
Thanks, I tried doing that but there's one thought I keep clinging onto that's making me depressed, "When I die none of this will matter."
by (770 points)
Hey, I know that this is a bit late but don't think that if you die that nothing would matter. Your friends and family would still love you, and it would hurt them for you to be gone.
+2 votes
Let me give some guidance. I've heard of people cutting, burning, shooting, and throwing themselves. It is awful. No, let me rephrase that- its horrible. If you are a Christian and you are doing this, turn to God and pray.Anyhow, talk to people. Why are you hurting yourself? Is something bad happening in your life and you want to forget it? Stop torturing yourself and ask people (and God!) for help. You can always stop and help your life.
+2 votes
by (45.3k points)
That is so sad....
+2 votes
Thank you for the guidness!Hope you grow up to be somebody everyone will adore!:]
+2 votes
this is a terrible time. i am sorry for ya.
Suicide is just...no. Don't do it. I have a close friend of mine who is near that situation. She is abusing herself a lot. Cutting herself, pinching herself with scissors, throwing herself out windows...(off the first floor) But, sadly, I can't do anything about it! She is homeschooled, so I can't tell the guidance counselor. I told my mom about it. She left a message, on the phone, saying that her daughter was abusing herself. Well, my friend found the message and deleted it before her mom could see. I can't stop my friend.
Oh that is sad. Pray for her. :()
by (45.3k points)
That is so sad.
I'm praying for her. Poor girl. "Dear Lord, please help this girl and help her turn from her ways...."
by (165k points)
Unfortunately, things don't work that way, hope your friend feels better by now.
+2 votes
by (45.5k points)
Yes, me too....I'm one of the older users here, so I can help anyone who needs it. But the people you need to go to is to your parents. They are probably going through the same problems you have faced...ask them! They will definitely help you! Suicide is never the answer. Your life is precious...you are special!!!!
+3 votes
by (448k points)

Do not do suicide..  Ever. Suicide is never the answer.


It will never be the answer.




by (1.34m points)
Agreed. :(
+4 votes
by (339k points)
We started a new Personal category (this message was placed in it). You can use this category to post any personal issues, such as this topic, school bullying, etc. We hope you find it helpful.


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