+2 votes
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Hi! You can call me Stardust! 

Being a girl, I know that there are challenges we face that mostly boys don’t. For one thing we’re called bossy and we’re bullied way more then boys are. That’s not okay and we need to change that. I thought that today, I could talk about one thing that many more girls could use some more of. That thing, is confidence. Confidence can help you with your grades, make you feel better about yourself and even let you experience much more that life has to offer!  I may not be a dictionary, but I do know what confidence means or really what confidence feels like. Confidence feels like a burst of joy, happiness, and hopefulness. Confidence is what helps us when we’re afraid, or nervous. Confidence is feeling like you can be yourself, you can be better at math, you can grow, you can learn. You truly glow when you’re confident, and others can see it- but more importantly YOU can see it. 

Some examples of things that you can do to show confidence is to...

  • Try out for the basketball team
  • Invite a friend to play
  • Addition for a solo 

All of these are examples of taking practical risks. I’ve made up some good stories for each of these ideas (to help you imagine it yourself).

1. Maddie had never played many sports because when she was 6 her soccer coach said she should do something else because sports where a “boys thing”. Maddie disagreed but never really told anyone. Now when she sees the basketball sign up sheet, she really wants to try out, but she remembers what her old coach said. She decides that she’s going to do it and try her best! She ends up making the team! Most importantly though, she feels more confident!

2. Hailey was really shy and many classmates thought she was mean or unfriendly. Hailey wasn’t unfriendly at all! In fact she really wanted friends! She sees a new girl. Even though Hailey has never met this girl before she decides to introduce herself! She decides, it will be easier after some preparing. When she goes home she practices in the mirror introducing herself. She also finds a pencil and some gum to offer her. The best day at school Hailey goes and talks to the girl! It turns out she’s really nice and her name is Willow. The girls play for the rest of the recess. After that Hailey makes many more friends!

3. Sky has been told by her family, her music teacher, and many others that she has a beautiful voice. She’s never auditioned before though. When she sees the sign up for solos in the school play, she’s not sure she wants to. That day, her music teacher mentions she wants Sky to stay after class. She explains that she would love if Sky was in the play. She also adds that they could train her voice together so she’d feel more confident. When the auditions come she tried out! She’s so glad she was confident and decides to try. 

I highly recommend this book: https://www.amazon.com/Confidence-Code-Girls-Amazingly-Imperfect/dp/0062796984/ref=sr_1_1?crid=9VI7J7OZCEN8&dchild=1&keywords=confidence+code+for+girls&qid=1611695686&sprefix=Confidence+code+for+%2Caps%2C251&sr=8-1

I hope you enjoy it! 

Stay confident and be hopeful and anything is possible!

Remember shoot for the stars!

Thanks, that was really useful.

3 Answers

+1 vote
This post was very useful.
+1 vote
Thank you for this post! It's amazing. I always say the same things to my friends! Thanks again!!
Of course! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
+1 vote
by (165k points)
Well said mostly. Although statistics like that (girls are bullied more often than guys) might be true, it has nothing to actually do with the bullying, all genders can get bullied. And while it's essential to be confident and proud of the things you have done, just try to make sure you don't boast or become proud of things you didn't do yourself (ie, parents doing your homework), otherwise, ya kinda pushing it. That's all I have to say.
Thanks! Yeah, I thought about putting the “don’t boast to much”, but my mom told me to go fold laundry so I just finished it up. :) lol!

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