+5 votes
in Ask KidzSearch Staff by (31.8k points)

Hi, there is something you might not know about me, you know all the time I write KidzTalks about how great KidzSearch is? Well...because KidzSearch saved my life, and I didn’t tell you guys this cuz I thought it might be too personal. But now I am, read plz.

So..a while back, I was...exposed to adult content, and that’s all I thought about back then, everything was so confusing and weird, later on, I read about violent protests and suicide and abuse, adult stuff.

Everything was so confusing, what’s going on in this world? My parents are really over protective, so they are afraid of me getting exposed to harmful content, so Google was where for the first time I was hearing about this.

Later I found these weird websites where people had private parts as their profile picture and cursed (used curse words) to each other. They said “If I die the last thing I would tell everyone is that you are a *** girl” and “wow, oml, you are such a freak” there were also some creepy boys who were like “girl, cutie, let’s date and have s*x, maybe a long kiss at Olive Garden Friday night” he even told me the address where I was supposed to go. He said he was 21, creepy. Later I had it, the stuff on the news is harmful, once on Google I read this article “why your parents don’t love you” and why “you are a bad person and that’s that” you know what I mean, when I say the title. These creepy strangers almost hacked me, I saved myself and they were trying to date me and make fun of me, I couldn’t sleep. I had a dream about making suicide attempt and nailing it and it was a depressing dream, from then on I thought about that dream every day, and those bullies kept swearing to me telling me no one loves me etc. Maybe that dream was..a message, that I had to make suicide attempts, no, no. I won’t, I was almost going to..

Look, this was all BECAUSE OF GOOGLE. One thing that wasn’t on Google was when I talked to a trusted adult who then told me about..KidzSearch.com

That’s how I’m here writing this message to you right now, KidzSearch, you literally saved my life! I blocked Google on all my devices, cuz look what I have now..KidzSearch. When I want to look up simple words I won’t get those weird Google stuff.

When I feel like searching up swear words or bad stuff..I can’t, not anymore. Thank you, KidzSearch, I’m doing much better in studying for tests, also..KS is so fun!!!! I’m not bored in quarantine anymore!!!

Your motto should be “entertaining, educating, and saving lives”


6 Answers

0 votes
by (85.2k points)
This is such a great story.
+1 vote
by (263k points)

This was three years ago T_T

I know it seemed inportant
by (263k points)
Okay that's valid tho.
0 votes
I actually had that experience too
+1 vote
by (165k points)
+1 vote

OMG... That's horrible... Those creeps. Oof. I feel sorry for you. And I can kinda relate, because I was accidentally exposed to adult stuff on Google, too. I just wanted to look up some cute wallpapers, and... Leave it, I don't even wanna talk about it. :(

So yeah, I agree. Google sucks. KidzSearch IS THE BEST. :)

Here's a huge THANK YOU to KS for everything they do! heart

+1 vote
by (345k points)
Hi Ada,

You are very brave to tell this story. We do our best to keep kids safe online while also making the site fun and useful for school research. We are so glad we could make a difference. Remember, you will always have the KidzSearch community, like KidzTalk and all the amazing loyal users to help you out with anything you want to share.



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