+10 votes
in Personal by (156k points)
Help I need girl advice from girls on crushes and other stuff!!! sorry for the vagueness(if that's a word) basically talking!!! Thx

5 Answers

+2 votes
by (28.9k points)
Best answer
girls like sweet guys who are caring and show true friendship and not like hay I like u because that puts perisher on us people who were friends first often have better relationships because they know each other well and talking comes more naturally.
+2 votes
by (4.4k points)

If you have a crush on a guy, try to be friends with him. If he is always looking at you or always is trying to get your attention, there is probably a 95% chance he likes you. That happened with me, and now I have a boyfriend. :) You could also have your friends ask him if you like him. Just remember that you are always beautiful and there is always someone out there who loves you. 

+2 votes
by (147k points)
Specifically what-?
by (156k points)
by (147k points)
It depends on the characteristics of the girl you are talking to, but if you are having trouble interacting with them because of a crush, just be a friend for the most part. You could ask her about their interests or hobbies, or what sort of books she likes to read. It would probably start a conversation.

(that's just me tho lol)
by (156k points)
+2 votes
by (2.4k points)
If you have a crush on a girl you should take things slow and easy and what's the other advice do you need ?
by (156k points)
+1 vote
by (266k points)
About what though? :p
by (156k points)

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