+6 votes
in Venting by (266k points)

Ironic, I'm listening to a song about the consequences of your actions right now as I cram at around 2 in the morning for a trig. exam today :D 

It's not that I haven't been doing my work- I have, I just don't understand the material well enough to preform it without my notes :/ Plus, I have to have the entire unit circle memorized- that's not happening :p

I'm exhausted. Same as the song, I haven't really slept this week. The couple weeks before finals are the absolute worst when it comes to school work. Seriously, I feel like I'm dying XD I have to do my hair still, and get up in a couple hours T_T


Anyways, sorry for the cringe-ah rant. 

Hope you all are doing well!! I'm always here if you wanna talk :p

Happy national "guys named Brock" day! clapping-hand

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (550k points)
Best answer
hope you do/did well
by (266k points)

I have no idea, literally ZERO IDEA HOW, but I scored a 99%!! I had the highest score in my class!! :O
+1 vote
by (4.4k points)
Good luck! I hope you do good!
by (266k points)
Thank you! I did very well :)
+1 vote
by (126k points)
What sorcery did you conjure upon the professor? Name the acts of your dark magic! State your dealings with the great Beast!

A 99%, ay? At Trig? Wow. I’m the guy that needs to study for two weeks to get a B avg. in any Math exam (except for those Geometry semesters, those were easier) but a few weeks ago got a 100% on an English exam with absolutely zero minutes of studying, and a 97% on Government, History, Economics, and World Religions all with about 30 minutes of studying. But math? Nope. Or Chem. I study hard for a full week and barely squeeze by with a B. Mostly because Chemistry is a scam: it’s actually just math, but they try to make it sound like it’s a different subject and then charge you a lot more money to take the classes.

I can’t believe that Advanced Cal and Advanced Chem are options at the school I’m planning on going to after Senior year. I’d probably do bad on the placement exams on purpose just to make sure they didn’t put me in the wrong class. Worse, for the Wildlife Biology (terrestrial) track, there’s General chemistry, but a lot of it. Wildlife Biology (terrestrial) (prevet) track has less of each chemistry class, but more of them altogether: organic chem, bio chem, etc.

Wow, look at me. You say you were the one ranting. Here I am, on my fourth paragraph, and somehow got to complaining about the chemistry classes for a Bachelor’s science track when I just meant to mention that I’m bad at math. You’re what, a Junior?

Congrats on the whole president thing. I’d voted for you on both elections. Not sure what you’re going to do with the title now, though.
by (966k points)
Welcome back! I doubt you’ll be on here for very long, but if you are, then… congrats?
by (126k points)
Eh, I’ve been here now and again for some time. Mostly just to see if there are any new notifications (i.e. if someone has commented to me). And I voted on the elections. But that’s about it.
by (966k points)
by (126k points)
Say, is Pumpkin still active? And who’s the oldest user here (as in age, not time on KS)?
by (550k points)
Hey. At least you don't go to my school ( A school in Pennsylvania) We have to do what is apparently the hardest class category in 9 th grade. This class is bio. I've ranted about  bio at my school on here a lot.

It's not just the curriculum well either. It's the wagon y threw for teaching it the teacher AND the curriculum.
by (966k points)
Pumpkin ain’t active anymore.

And by age, JD2005. He’s gonna turn 18 in a few days.
by (126k points)
Ay mate, I already took biology. Did you guys have to do Micro bio or the 'big stuff?' I honestly wish my school had more than just the one biology class. I mean yes, while it is two semesters, it had a lot of microbiology before I was able to get into interesting stuff: anatomy and organ structures and whatnot. And a lot of aquatic studies. I always prefer the terrestrial/ecology side of things. After all, that's what I plan to major in next year.

Elo: did he, like, quit permanently? And who ranks in age after JD?
by (966k points)
Well, JD was inactive for a long time, and he’s now just coming back (more like early May he came back

If you don’t count active people, the oldest KT user is GEMHeart, who’s turning 19 in a month. She posted in the Alumni section yesterday.

After JD in age? I think Zoe, who’s 16.
by (126k points)
Holy cow. I forgot about Gem. Funny coincidence. I know that Cheerless is 16 (or am I mistaken about that?). So am I. So are there only a few folks here round that age?

Just asking you because you’re one of the most active users nowadays, and you’ve been here exactly as long as I have.
by (966k points)
Oh yeah. Cheer’s also 16. I thought she was 15.
by (266k points)


Dark, very dark magic!

I swear, I must have, because there is no way I did that well. I did sleep with my notes under my pillow- I'm not very superstitious, but hey, it could've worked! My teacher keeps the tests though, and doesn't let us look at them. Bummer. 

And ughhh, yessss, geometry was SO EASY AND NICE!! drool I slacked off so much that year and still got an A! 

You seem to be doing great without much studying in your other classes! I typically don't study for those either, and get usually no lower than a low A.

WHAT!? I have actually fallen so deep in love with chemistry. I entered the year dreading it (I have been really, REALLY good at biology my entire life, so I was just a little upset for having to take chemistry), and although I've had a not-so-great teacher, I adore the actual subject and content! I've even decided to pursue biochemistry in college, and possibly go for virology, pharmacology, or toxicology. It's awesome! And although I do okay (I have over 102% in that class, but I got a B on my last test D:), it's still very new to me so I do have to do a lot of studying, and I do struggle on the occasion.

I also am taking AP Chem. next year! Senior year I will do (Triple? Quadruple?) lots of sciences! I will take AP Biology, Honors Anat. and Phys., Forensics, and Environmental Science. And possibly Organic Chem. :p

Ha, I beat a rant to a rant with another rant! XD

And thank you for voting for me :) I appreciate it in_love And there's really not a lot you can do as president- I've tried pushing a few new ideas from other users, but none of them have taken effect. So, Ig it's just a fancy title. They should give me a fancy tag or something . 

I hope you're doing well btw :D

(And I'm sorry that I'm late! T_T)

by (126k points)

Finally: you took long enough to get back on here. I can't believe you actually like Chemistry. I've always been good at Biology too, but unfortunately Chem just happens to be part of it. What kind of High School do you go to to be able to do ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES? Honors Physics? And Forensics? What kind of school offers that? I go to a...special sort of (online) school that's kind of well known and we don't get that fancy stuff. And there are only the five science classes unless you count things like computer sciences. Wow.

Also what is wrong with you? Who actually wants to do Biochem? Or any of the other things you just said? I've never met anyone who actually WANTED to do that.

I am good though; you?

+1 vote
by (1.1k points)
You don't know me and I don't know you but you got this!!!! Push through and believe. You are smart!!!! This community believes in you!!!!
by (266k points)

Hi Ivy! I'd love to get to know you tho! (That sounded so creepy omg -_-)

Thank you so much, your guys' support means so much to me! tomatoe

AND SOMEHOW, BY SOME MIRACLE, I SCORED A 99%!! Highest in my class!! :O I have ZERO idea how :/

by (966k points)
We don’t get our results, but good job!
by (1.1k points)
Sure!! I'm always up for new friends. You're in high school, right?
+1 vote
by (966k points)
Good luck! My grade has state testing today.
by (266k points)

Aw, ty!

And good luck to you! I hate state testing nasea-face

by (966k points)
I think I performed well. I dunno, though. (We aren’t supposed to talk about what we’ve done, only if we finished or not)

And you’re welcome!
+1 vote
by (155k points)
Good luck! Don't lose hope, I'm sure you'll do well.
by (266k points)
Thank you! :) Turns out, I did do well! No idea how, tho...
by (155k points)
No problem! See, I told you :D

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