+4 votes
in Writing Contests by

Hello my Peoples ! I'm hosting this contest to stir up some fun ! Cause things have been slow around here .But anyway onto the Contest !

     In this Contest we will start with a General Writing Contest where you can write about anything at all ! Once I get at LEAST Eight entries we will move on to the next round. After every contest I (Or someone else) will eliminate One person till there is one person left. Who knows I might do an ArtCathaolon.

  Here are the General Rules for all the Contests:

  1. No STEALING anyone else's Work 
  2. It Has to be Kid appropriate ..
  3. No being mean.

I really want to enter this so if anyone would like to be Judge please say so !

The Deadline for this Contest is : 3\1\2022

You can enter either in this post or using Writing Contest 2022 tag o


Ignore the Answers about the deadline.

This is current !!!!!!!!!!

I want Eight entries or when I reach May 15

Whichever comes last !

7 Answers

0 votes
by (165k points)
Should I judge now?
Wait till I get at least eight entries. Do you think it would be fine if I enter this ? I mean you are judging. I'd make the contests You would judge.
by (165k points)
Yah go ahead can't wait to see what your amazing brain comes up with!
Haha, thanks !
by (165k points)

I mean it!
0 votes
Once Upon a time there was a princess named Crystal ,she had a lovely family until evil came back the evil witches but her father mother and sister tried to protect her but her family got taken away by the witches.Years past crystal had to stay hidden in a castle away from the outside world her people were in danger but since the witches got released from the mirror they have to put the witches back.Crystal would learn trick and skills on how to use her powers but she didn’t know that her sister icelen s sends messages to help her family and to get ready because the witches came to the castle looking for her crystal was in great danger .One time she saw a invelope it said her name on it then she was excited to see what did the invelope say then she opened it and she was gifted a beautiful shiny armor and something special gifted it was the most powerful ice heart that only the royal ice family can be gifted that she had to eat it so she can put the witches back together in the mirror as there prison .Then after she ate it she turned big just like her older sister she got out of the room mad and then SHE SAW THE WITCHES she got fright but she took a deep breath and pow pow pow.She defeated the witches know she can see her family again and no one know Ed that it was her birthday she was turning sixteenth .And her and her family trapped the witches away .And they Happily live a ever after .The End .So did ya like it
+1 vote
by (40.6k points)

My poem called so are

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'm  kind,
And so are you.

Orchids are white,
Ghost  are rare,
Best pudding is chocolate,
And so is your hair.

Magnolia grows,
With buds like eggs,
I'm  tall,
And are you.

Sunflowers reach,
Up to the skies,
Your coat is blue,
And so are your eyes.

Foxgloves in hedges,
Surround the farms,
Clammers have muscles,
And so do your arms.

Daisies are pretty,
Daffies have style,
Your jokes are goofy,
And so is your smile.

A seahorses are kind, brave, and caring,
Just like you.

+1 vote
Somebody Please say something ! I'm allowing multiple entries.

Extended deadline: April 1
+1 vote
Extending deadline to 17 of March.

Please join !
+1 vote
I have one entry and the deadline is coming up soon !
+1 vote

Writing Contest Entry:

(I recently posted this)

This is just Comdy Warrior Cats:


“Hollowpaw the kits have gotten away again while we were hunting, Wolfstar is useless.” Shadowsneak yelled with an exasperated tone.


    “Coming, Shadowsneak!” Hollowpaw yelled back. They walked through the pine woods farther and farther away from the temporary camp, following their scent trail.


    “I found them!” Hollowpaw yelled. They picked up the kits by the scruff of their neck, then Snakkit whined, 


    “We want to catch prey too.” 


    “Well you're too young to hunt.” Shadowsneak replied. “It might have been a bad idea to leave Shadowclan, we would have cats to keep kits in camp.” 


    “No me don’t Shadowclan, Shadowclan have meanie, meanie mean. Meanie tattle on me.” Moonkit cried


    “… You mean Tailkit?” Shadowsneak asked. “NO, MEANIE Tailkit.” replied Moonkit.



Shadowsneak looked up a clearing opened between the trees. Bushes lined the back walls and and two hollow fallen logs just in front of the bushes. A river started just after the bigger log.


    “I think I’ve just found our new camp.” Shadowsneak loudly whispered. 


    “Wow it looks just like it, a beehive.” Wolfstar said.


   “Wait what, why are you thinking of-” Shadowsneak was cut off by Wolfstar.


    “Honey, Oh sweet Honey it trickles down-” This time Wolfstar was cut off by Shadowsneak.


   “We are not writing poetry about Honey, you Fuzzball”


    The group set to work gathering Herbs, Scouting Borders, and Hunting for food.


    After it was all done Wolfstar went back to being the Doofus he was.

Great !
by (165k points)
I will judge!
TYSM !!!!!!
by (165k points)

Urw!!!!!! grin sorry I did not see this before.

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