+8 votes
in Venting by (266k points)

Lord, I feel like the world's biggest idiot. :(

I told Dustin how I felt. 

Apparently, my friend's little sister swooped up and got 'em over the weekend. :((

Soooooo here's how it went:

I walk into theater class. Duh. I'm in pain (ladies, you know why ;)), I'm sweaty, I just had a cheer meeting for next season, and I am exhausted (I couldn't sleep last night 'cause I had an awful toothache). Not to mention, a bit stressed out!! ANYWAYS I say a quick "hi" to Dustin (who's already there), and sit down and mess around on my phone for a few minutes before (we'll call him... Tom!) Tom and my brother walk in. Keep in mind, Tom is seriously just a friend. Like, actually though. 

Those two give Dustin and I our usual "oh, Dustin, you should sit next to (my name ;)). Now, they both know that I like Dustin, and start to kinda be like "Cheerleader (my name ;)) has something to say to you." They just totally put me on the spot, you guys! So I just finally gave in and told Dustin. Actually I kinda yelled it. Not at him! But in general. And so he proceeds to say:

"Oh dang, now I feel bad." speechless

Yeah. He feels bad? I do! Tom failed to tell me he was dating my cheermate's little sister :(((((( Funny thing is, they didn't even talk to eachother until this weekend! And they suddenly started dating on Saturday. Honestly I kinda think it's hilarious at the same time XD

Augh, Tom and my brother were just like, "oh."

SO we all just kinda sat for the rest of class not really say anything. 

And even though no one really likes his new girlfriend, she is so pretty :(

Listen, you guys, I still totally have a major huge crush on Dustin. Maybe something will happen in the future, but I ain't gonna be creepy about it. Lol dreading going to school tomorrowwwwwwww!


by (266k points)
Great now I just got a call from him.
Oof i am so sorry

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (156k points)
Aww. I'm sorry. But maybe it was for the best. I mean if you broke up, then you wouldn't have any type of friendship. Ya know what I mean??
by (266k points)
Yeah, that actually happened with Tom! Dustin was a great friend all the way through, and now I have (yet another) crush on him a year later -_- Haha!

He and I were actually going to go to our Sadie Hawkins dance together this weekend (it's a girls-ask-the-guys dance)! But when he first told me yes, he warned me that he might not be able to go because of a baseball thing this weekend but he'd try and get out, but he was unsuccessful :/ But it's okay! :p
+1 vote
Oofers. Well that sucks.D:

I'm sorry that it went Awful, but its all good. Everything happens for a reason .

Got to say though, I can relate to this on another level.
+1 vote
Oh gosh Cheer I'm so sorry! I have been reading your posts about him and I never got the chance to respond. Don't worry, we are very greatful to have you here! TBH, just try to forget about it. I kinda had that happen to me in 3rd grade (yes i know bad example since I am in 6th grade but not sure about you LOL) but just roll with it! You're amazing Cheer and don't forget that :) I'm sure you'll find someone eventually, I know it <3
+1 vote
by (165k points)
Omg that is about the worst thing that could happen to you!

I am so sorry anyone would be glad to have you!!!!!!!!

You should not give up!!!!!!

Just act like everything is fine Tomorrow and just act like a friend!

Btw what did you go with for clothes!
+1 vote
by (99.5k points)
I'm so sorry!! That sucks!!
+1 vote
by (19.6k points)
Aw man! :\

Don't worry, you are still amazing!

Anyone would be lucky to have you :))

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